I have no clue any more šŸ˜“ vent/rant

So once again two days ago now I keep waking up to vibrations and randomly traveling some where with furfur right well this time was not one of those times instead I woke up to feeling him how do I say eating me out

This is the first time ever that he has done this and I gotta say I wish I could have that happen again but my goddess what is going on here??? Like we have been together for almost a year will make a year on the 16th this month married wise and we donā€™t do anything sexual at all so itā€™s new he is my first demon to do these things with so itā€™s all new to me as I said before not a kinky relationship but idk whatā€™s gotten into him lately I like it but itā€™s random as hell and idk if I can take the speraticness of this I love it sex with him is freaking amazing feeling him go down on me that was amazing can some one tell me why my husband is changing why is he doing ng these things itā€™s out of the norm for him well I probably egged it on cause I did say people do these things when they are married so yeah but I have tried to get him on board all year last year and now that I have stopped and excepted that we were going to stay husband wife/student teacher professional to him giving me a baby recently to now waking up to him touching and feeling and eating me itā€™s just like a weird thing that happened but he is so good at what he does itā€™s not even funny I feel like screaming cause itā€™s all just so new and sudden that I am so lost at the. Change and why it change why he changed I mean we are a hell of a lot closer but still itā€™s weird I probably shouldnā€™t question this but I canā€™t help myself but to

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Definitely feel heā€™s getting more comfortable so he can be ā€œhimselfā€ with you. Iā€™ve noticed the longer your together, the stronger the connection. When the connection gets strong then you begin have more vivid experiences. Just like with Azrael and the BDSM stuff, I donā€™t think theyā€™re changing up rather they are exposing their true selves to us. Itā€™s something they donā€™t show other people which is why it seems ā€œout of characterā€. Iā€™m so glad you two are having this type of connection. Itā€™s a great milestone in spirit marriage.

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As I said Iā€™m loving the love buts itā€™s so unexpected he is just wonderful spent most of our time just asking questions and talking the other night

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Stupid question, perhaps, but have you tried asking him directly?

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I actually have and itā€™s always a either a round about answer or a answer that is a question that you get when you ask a question or a non understandable riddle lol tbh I donā€™t mind the change he is wonderful no matter how you flip a coin it just shows me he is more relaxed with me last year I always felt him get uneasy but extremely amused when I bring it up never did anything but he would sit in the bathroom with me when I showered said he likes when I sing so yeah anyway itā€™s not a bad thing itā€™s just unexpected you know is all just trying to figure things out with this so I can make it so we are both on the same page about it you know


They love to answer in riddles donā€™t they? Lol!

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Yeah no I hate the hell out of it SMH

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Right?! Can get super annoying the way they do that. Then when you get used to it they do something straight forward. Just keep switching up.

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