I found a homophobic individual on TikTok that I'd like to practice baneful magick on. I'd like to do so with Apep. Any advice?

I see! So … how do I curse with my own energy?

Learning energy manipulation is a start, when I curse someone or atleast when I use to I molded my energy into an attack with the proper programming.


I found this: Energy Manipulation | PsiWiki | Fandom

Yes that

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Yes! I’m very much so working on that! Thanks for your input.

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I also read them completely opposite from what the op felt they said, as soon as I saw them. :stuck_out_tongue: But I figured he was set on this task, and it would likely turn out to be a grand learning experience for him, as the last card indicates.


I understand. It’s good that you are now having clearer communication with him, as well as seemingly firm on pursuing this. Hence, I won’t try to delve deeper and instead just share some vibes I’m getting from your cards. This is just an intuitive guess though, so do feel free to take what resonates and discard what doesn’t. :slight_smile:

I’ll be honest here and say that what attracted me to your spread was the persistent feeling of fear and blindness. The first phrase that came into my head was, “blind about being blind”. I got the imagery of a blindfolded person in a purely black room insisting that he was not blind. My eyes were then drawn to the 7 of Pentacles, and the creature’s expression immediately struck me as one of feeling scared but trying his best not to show it, covering up his vulnerabilities (with the Pentacle covering his stomach) and doing his hardest to focus on something else (the gaze he has on the Ace of Wands card). It’s quite the synchronicity when you indeed shared you may be hexing from a place of fear because of your past experiences (and I am very sorry to hear you went through such) but I feel like other factors may have also bled (or currently, may be bleeding) into the fears you are experiencing along the path. The Ace of Wands card, which could represent the endeavor you are trying to start, maybe this hexing experiment or working on your magick in general, might give you a sense of liberation/freedom of expression (the phoenix flying away) and enthusiasm towards power (Wands associations in general) and could even mean a joyous rebirth of yourself in your opinion, as if fully jumping into magick head-on is the only way to rise up from the ashes (the phoenix on the AoW card). In my mind’s eye, I’m getting an imagery of the traditional RWS Fool card reversed as I type this.

While interpreting the 7oP + AoW, I also heard a song randomly play in my head. You can read the lyrics here to see if it resonates with you or not:

The 3 of Swords—I believe that’s the 3oS and not Cups, yes? :slight_smile: —could support the anxious thoughts and stormy emotions I’m getting which may be clouding your intuition/discernment (the black clouds on the 3oS card seemingly covering the moon), but at the same time I’m also seeing the 3oS here could mean that you may need to toughen your heart/defenses should you decide to continue on hexing and doing other similar workings. While you may be able to mess things up for the target (the 3 swords really piercing through the heart), you could still lack the know-how/sharpness/accuracy (some Swords connotation) in fully securing/succeeding with it (the little black hole on the heart). You may not be looking at the details/specifics before hexing, preferring instead to focus on the whole picture and ignoring whatever that black hole on the heart, whether it symbolizes an opening for your target to hex back or a crack on your defenses/methods, may entail for you in the long run. The black clouds + darker black background than the usual shade used for 3oS artworks in most decks = also reminds me of the Lenormand Cloud card, which stands for confusion, things that may be obscured and a state of fogginess. It could even represent covering up/a lie which, partnered up with the Magician RX in your spread could give it that slant of meaning. Not a liar to anyone or anything else, but what I’m picking up is a possibility that you may be lying to yourself instead. I’m also picking up that it could be subconsciously done and you may not even be aware yet of what you may be refusing to acknowledge yourself, so no judgment here. Of course, if it resonates, it depends on you if you will face the truth about your strengths, weaknesses and capabilities (the Magician card) and see them exactly as they are, nothing more or less so you can then act on it accordingly, as the 3 of Swords could also represent a painful and harsh (but a necessarily communicated) truth revealed.

Some of the vibes I’m also getting is, “Never tell me the odds! Watch me!”. While I can personally relate to that enthusiastic can-do mentality, as at times even I myself thrive on feeling other people underestimate me lol, I feel as if this mentality is not being utilized accordingly not just in this situation, but also possibly in how you do magick in general. I’m getting the word, “calculated risk”, and how you may be missing out on implementing it realistically with said can-do mentality. The reversed Magician card in your spread could reflect this, as The Magician upright usually has all the tools necessary for accomplishing what he has in mind, along with the versatility and know-how to use (or not use) them for magick, manifestation, etc. Reverse this card and I’m picking up two interps for/sides of you which I feel you simultaneously going back and forth from, true to the Magician RX astrologically representing an out of balance Gemini in this case: either you use or let yourself be consumed by all day everyday magick that you may be neglecting the mundane (example: interpreting everything as, “Oooh, that’s occult-related! Must. search. symbolisms!” or “Wah, that’s a magickal sign from Spirit X and it means magickal things like this blah-blah-blah” when in reality, the spirit may be there to improve things mundane-wise or it wasn’t a sign at all—you were just looking so hard for one), thinking that this is a potent and powerful way to do magick or; you feel as if do not have enough power or tools to do magick yourself and accomplish whatever it is you have in mind, hence the looking, looking and more looking to external sources (whether it be to other spirits or people) for development, practice, validation, defining your own individuality, etc. This interp could be echoed by your card’s version of The Magician: while I can’t really see the imagery clearly because it’s blurred, in a reversed viewpoint the summoning circle (?), with all those creatures floating above, looks like a mess. There’s so much going on and frankly, I’m getting a headache the more I tune into it. It’s so… noisy.

Apophis does seem to be there with you (the huge snake-like creature on the Magician card?) but I feel like he’s giving off a bit of constricted/restricted vibes, as if his teachings/abilities are not being used properly or he is simply not being listened to what he actually wants to say/do. However, as mentioned, I will not be tapping into him any further to respect whatever method you might be using to communicate with him ATM.

The noisiness was dominant in your spread and it could even represent the current theme of your energy. In fact, while interpreting your spread, the environment around me suddenly got very noisy and I had to move around a lot to get away from the surprisingly non-stop chatter/interaction directed towards me so I can focus on your reading. What I find interesting is, personally, I feel annoyed with so much noise like the one I’m picking up from you. I honestly can’t hear myself think/feel. However, tapping into YOUR thoughts/feelings, I feel happy with it to the point that I feel numb/mindless, if it makes any sense. As if I delight in all these external noises and just take them all in without any filters of caution or skepticism, as if I also prefer to be numb/mindless to what I truly think/feel, to what I should be truly listening/paying attention to. The noise could be perfectly described by this song:

Ignore the first stanza and chorus, but kindly listen to the lyrics of the second stanza + bridge as these are what specifically stood out to me. Most importantly, pay attention to the progression of the beats + vocals after the last chorus, down to the increasing voices and scream at the end. THAT is exactly how the noise I’ve been experiencing from your spread/energy is repeating itself in my head throughout this reading.

I’m also picking up possible hints of escapism from the mundane through the use of magick instead of aiming to utilize them both, which could also be connected to the Magician RX, as the Magician RX could also stand for focusing more on “putting on a show” with little actual substance/solid foundation to “back” the magick up. I don’t know what all the traumas, wounds, etc. and the extent of how much it still hurts and impacts you to this day, but I genuinely hope you find the time and space for yourself to process and heal these properly. Because I’m feeling that there is potential—I honestly think that your significator in this spread is the Magician, which is good if you’re doing this kind of working—it’s just that, it’s reversed at this current time, which means there may be blockages and other matters you need to look into and deal with first before becoming that “upright Magician” type of practitioner you aspire to be.

Overall, I didn’t really get a strong agreement nor resistance from Apophis to you hexing the person in question. What I did get though was THINGS you could be overlooking which might be hindering progress towards your goals and effectiveness as a practitioner, hence my contribution here to maybe give you a bit of clarity about possibly working on/improving not only your hexing, but also how you practice magick in general. :slight_smile:


I understand why you mean by noisiness! Whenever I speak to Apep with my cards it gets very noisy and windy. I’m not sure why. Also I want to improve my communication with him but my psychic abilities aren’t always up to par and I can use my tarot deck but like we just saw , I usually interpret them incorrectly. If you don’t mind could you please go back to what you said and bullet point all of the important information/wisdom/take-outs from what you said? I’m going to look over them today and see what it is I can improve/fix/get rid of. I appreciate you taking time out of your day for me.

I actually don’t mind, but the thing is, the one who should decide what the important/resonating information in the possible interps provided is YOU. Maybe try to see this as a small practice to honing your intuition/discernment as well? :slight_smile:

If you don’t like reading that much text, you could try simply taking it in one paragraph at a time. The interps I provided are not going anywhere lol, so when you have enough time, maybe you could read a bit of it, note what resonates and doesn’t, and just do it day by day. Even the songs I heard, you could listen and analyze them whenever you are free to. Take your time in digesting the information, along with the clear pieces of advice others have already provided for you. There’s no need to pressure yourself in figuring it all out quickly and immediately. Learning and practicing magick (or any other craft, really) is a gradual process.

You’re welcome, but I think this also contributes to you wanting all the bullet points laid out and rushing yourself to get all that info + develop your skills ASAP? I’m actually used to typing even longer texts both in divination and mundane academic work lol, so I genuinely don’t mind if you also don’t have the time or energy to process it or fully respond yet. Again, kindly take your time and try working on your patience (which is also useful in magickal workings TBH).

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Don’t worry! I actually typed up a simplified document of what you said just in case you weren’t willing to do so. If you did then I was going to compare the information and use both of them.

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