hope this helps.
Franz Bardon - The Practice of Magical Evocation
Fig. 46: Bekaro (22� Aries) - By this intelligence the magician is endowed with the knowledge and wisdom of the zone girdling the earth, which only a few beings of that sphere are able to do. Bekaro has a specially high interest for justice and harmony and therefore is also able to assist the magician in the physical world in cases where justice is involved, either in legal matters or in other situations of life. Spirits of the storms and salamanders are very much afraid of him, since he is capable of revealing to the magician formulae by the application of which strong electrical and elemental effects can be brought about in the fire region of the zone girdling the earth, which the most stubborn salamander spirit instantly makes submissive. If Bekaro places any being of the salamander kingdom at the magician’s disposal, such a spirit - being of high intelligence, understanding and cleverness, will render the magician loyal service.
Fig. 105: Mimosah (21� Gemini) - All people dealing with law are under the care and supervision of this head of the zone girdling the earth. If this head is called for in any legal matter with an unjust sentence or settlement, either Mimosah himself or someone of his subordinates will render the magician help. Therefore it is only right to regard this head as the guardian of all human rights. All judges, lawyers etc. who have to do with legal affairs, can, should they be magicians, refer to this intelligence at any time.
Fig. 286: Hillaro (22� Sagittarius) - is a representative of justice. He can fulfill for the magician everything that requires true justice, no matter whether in legal or any other affairs. The magician will get this head’s full assistance in all judicial matters.
Fig. 329: Asturel (5� Aquarius) - represents Divine Mercy and, by his pleasant oscillation, makes everybody bear his lot more easily. He likes to help in all cases where assistance is possible without disturbing legality. The magician, too, may refer to this head for help for other people. Apart from this, Asturel makes the magician realize the borders of legality and mercy from the universal point of view.
Fig. 14: Mebahel- the fourteenth genius, helps to win wars, to realize plans for peace, he inspires politicians and helps them to carry out their plans. Being a special friend of justice, this genius is a protector against injustice and helps to settle legal affairs righteously. He helps to get prisoners who have been innocently imprisoned out of prison. This genius will teach the magician the art of reading other persons’ thoughts and, apart from that, how he can detect and control his persecuters and enemies.