I feel I'm losing

you know what, I just bought it, thanks for recommending.

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Hi, I wanted to revisit this thread to update for anyone reading this ever.
I finished the ritual as scheduled on April 30th. And I have to say that I avoided the financial disaster that was looming over me at the time of writing this thread. Not only that but I have found amazing financial opportunities and my financial situation is surely on the up and up.

So I conclude that the ritual works and what majority of people said, disruptions to make way for something awesome (as much as we hate to hear/read this) is true. Also I agree that when working with powerful entities, demons, angels, they bring about the change you desire and ask for but they aren’t necessarily as concerned with the disruptions that are caused or occur in your life due to the change happening. So I would say please keep this in mind when performing this ritual.

Thanks to everyone who responded with encouragement and support, I truly appreciate it and this forum!


Hey Myra,

Just wanted to check in and see how things are going for you now that its getting close to a year out from this post?

I am on the second working 24th day and it has been ugh well you know!
Some days I’m good other days I’m drained and can barely do the rituals. I missed a coupple days throughout the stretch as well but am sticking with it till the end.

From what I read the 2nd working is the worst to get through. Was that your experience?

Anyways hope all is well and wealth is flowing your way!