I don’t understand why

Hmm for some reason I’m liking what you said it made a whole lot of sense to me. Can you explain some more please

A guardian demon and a guardian angel are assigned to people. A guardian angel can be powerful, but they are not archangels. Archangels have very specific duties, and the rest of the angels are divided into what are called choirs, ie cheubim, seraphim, powers, and so on.

As for if I have any, I hope so.

Plenty of people worship God here, there are Muslims especially here I’ve noticed. There’s plenty of pagans as well.

Some people view Demons as the antithesis of God and that is reason enough to turn to demonology. Some people do work with demons and angels as epithets and extensions of God. And lots of beliefs in between. Sometimes its as deep as the ocean, sometimes it’s only skin deep.

While I personally like the Miltonic view of demons and Lucifer being extensions of God, I respect and know others don’t. And I don’t always worship demons this way, either. One day when I work with Azazel or Lucifer, I see them as separate beings from God and sometimes I see them as extensions of God. Sometimes I see Azazel as an Angel made by God yet defiant of him by giving humans forbidden knowledge, sometimes I see Azazel as an extension of God bestowing gifts, sometimes I see Lucifer as a defiant Angel that bestows free will away from God, sometimes I see Lucifer as an agent of God bestowing free will as part of a larger plan. And many other possibilities. All these contradict and I believe them all.

Multiple beliefs can coexist at once, even if they contradict.

In Christian-Catholic view, God made everything, including Adam and Eve. In the Orphic tradition, Phanes gave birth to all things. In my local culture only my people were created by our gods. Lore all exists at once and not at all. They’re all contradictory, and all equally true and valid. Even at the same time.

As someone said before, the Bible is full of contradictions. When you compile all of, say, Greek mythology through the ages together you also have contradictions. One city says Apollo was born in one day, and another city said it was a different day. Eros is both the primordial progenitor of all gods, as well as the child of Aphrodite. Dionysus is the child of Zeus and Persephone as well as Hades and Persephone as well as Zeus and Semele.

You just have to formulate what works for you. Some people desire a single truth, some people don’t believe there is one, and there’s lots of possibilities beyond that.

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I personally draw a distinction between “Yahweh” and YHVH as a codename for the All, the Source, whatever you want to call it. Yahweh does not factor into my equations at all, but the two get conflated because “Yahweh” is a given pronunciation of YHVH.

The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.


Brahman is the universal consciousness. All spirits (including us) are manifested from Brahman and gods, angels and demons are the spirits sending their avatars which manifest in our subconsciousness and then on the surface of the ego if we conjure them. You do therefore not see the spirit with your eyes but with your mind.