I Deliver The Prophecy Of Az Jahi - The Most Darkest Goddess Ever

No because they are in actual books, not links, some I own, some borrowed from the British Library, sorry, do your own digging - PGM is a good place to start. :+1:

What’s good about “equal”?

You either have the control that you need in a situation, or you do not - vague human notions of singing kumbaya in a grove holding hands with strangers are a bit of a sixties thing…

Free book incoming (only shared after due diligence on copyright etc), read then understand why some of us are not afraid to play with power exchange (shit gets kinkier the deeper you go with what is a mask, and why it is externalised and then worshipped). :wink:

The Kybalion PDF, archived link.

Don’t freak out, it’s not a long book, very simple and very precise. :+1:


I’m not gonna lie but a quick eye scan at the title made me read “I DELIVER THE PIZZA OF JOHNS!”

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Soooo…when’s the release?