I am told the new moon is a good time to plant seeds for growth

I work at a financial institution, and I despise it (and myself for being there). So I am thinking of trying some sort of new job spell with the new moon on June 21 Sunday.

What sort of ritual/ceremony would you suggest for a novice practitioner? Something to get the ball rolling in the right direction.

Should I make an offerring to the Sun, the 21st is a Sunday. Should I find a homeless person and give him 50 bucks, Should I do both.
What would let the universe know that I am looking to make a change and I would like its cooperation and assistance?
Should I keep the ceremon/ritual up until the moon is full?

I found a gig I want to apply for and I can wait until Sunday to do it. I am also qualified. More than qualified but not overly qualified. So I make sense for the position.

So I will apply Sunday but what sort of spiritual/magick work do I need to do to propel this thing along. THanks.

What is a simple plan, that a novice (like me) cannot F up?

I heard Magickal Job Seeker by Damon Brand is effective.