I' am sad, a lot! Seere does not answer my calls

Since the beginning of the year I’ve been trying to contact Seere, I think since January 7th, and he does not answer me, I have his secrecy, I’ve put MY BLOOD, MY SPERM, and nothing of him answers me, (I confess that blood, it was only a few drops) that makes me sad, because I need your help a lot, I make the invocation with the enn, two candles beside the sigil, an incense and I pray to him, I tried to make contact with he was on the eclipse, but I did not wake up in time, I was very sad ‘’ ah maybe he is testing his perseverance ‘’ I have never seen reports of testing someone’s perseverance, I always see people saying that when they call him he comes! I spend more than 40 minutes praying and calling, but I feel nothing, I feel some shivers, but nothing special.

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this leaves me despondent with willingness to accept failure.

Have you evoked other entities with success?

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NO! i am trying invoke Seree, just him!

Read up some more on evocations and invocations, there are plenty of helpful pages on here.

Then try evoking other beings and get back to Seere later.

If you have a legitimate magic block work on your chakras and yourself, meditate and strengthen and stuff


I’m going to be sincere, I have astral senses, I get premonitory dreams, I get lucid in dreams, but I do not control those senses, I also think of calling astaroth because they say that she is very loving, and patient as beginners.


You might be trying too hard as well. I’ve noticed my evocations work better when I’m relaxed and they’re not so ceremonial.


yes, I am, I am really desperate, I want the help of an entity very much, Seere is the quickest to help, I want a pact with him, but I do not feel anything of his presence he does not even appear to me in dreams.thank you for reading my message, it is not easy for me, I am alone on this journey I do not know anyone who works with these entities and those who work are on the internet and charge very abusive prices and out of reality.

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This sounds like a major block here. Try relaxing. Real change only occurs with effortless effort.


You have to detach from your ritual and always assume they heard you! It’s hard to get any results when you are desperate… your emotions end up holding the energy back…


it’s true, I put a lot of anxiety in my prayers and meditations, and it disturbs me.

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I suggest doing Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram for a few weeks, one or two times a day. It will open you to the other world you could say


Spirits always turn up ime. I suspect your senses just don’t recognise their energy. It’s normal. Just proceed with the ritual anyway because they are there and listening. It’s crucial you let go of lust for result after the ritual and stop worrying about this problem. Seere likely heard you, etc but while you’re worrying and assuming he didn’t turn up, etc, he can’t help you.


Every perspective, i.e. individual, experiences things differently. Remember, this is all about consciousness because that is all there is in this Universe. Ultimately, it is not the form and physical appearance of Seere that matters but being able to tap into the type of perspective/state of mind he symbolises.

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