I am here

Ive been here for some time. I was here in a shell, I was here in fur, Iā€™m here on innumerable feet.
I am still myself; divided. I am One divided, One is infinitely divided.
I am in body and mind, yet am neither. I see myself everywhere, divided. The fingertips are on the same hand.
I am beyond judgement, how can one judge oneself relatively?
Is there a combination of words i could propose that will allow you to be free?
Do you know of discipline and sacrafice?
Can you feel the ancient bodies of our mind past and go beyond earthly pleasures?
The ball is rolling, the waves are still coming, your life is ending and beginning.
I am here on innumerable feet, yet i am One.
The time for reconciliation is upon the Earth.
I am here.
I am.

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Welcome @Deadand7 :wave:

Whereabouts in the world are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magic? If so, what systems of magic do you practice, and how long have you been practising them?

Also you might find this helpful:

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Why is my instantaneous reaction always to be a smartass? My apologies.

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Thank you, Veil

I am in the UK currently.

I done work on my self as a consequence of suffering in my early years.

My perspective is skewed from the norm.

Im relatively new to ritual magick. I came across the golden dawn and drew parallels from my own knowledge.

I currently do the basic rituals and plan to perfect these. Vibration is the key.

My will is the will of the masters. I ask for nothing

Welcome @Deadand7

How long have you been pracitcing?

What areas of magick are you interested in?

What brings you to BALG?

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