This is merely a simple experiment, the actual desire/intention isn’t even mentioned in the comic it’s subliminal as it’s pertinent to the experiment but I want you guys to participate in this experiment. Simply read the bad crappy comic and that’s it, thank you for participating
In chaos magick the sigil is understood as a amalgamation of the linear codification of intent, the sigil is the bridge of the subconscious and conscious projection into reality. One of the most well known chaos magicians who is also a comic book writer, he created the invisibles as a graphic novel trilogy which turned into a hyper sigil. The definition of the hyper sigil is explained below.
“An extended work of art with magical meaning and willpower, created using adapted processes of sigilization. The ‘hypersigil’ or ‘supersigil’ develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama, and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking”.
Grant Morrison’s character had been written to be kidnapped in his story and tortured, his character was slowly dying of blood poisoning and two bust lungs. Three weeks later Grant Morrison finds himself in critical condition in the hospital with his blood poisoned, two bust kings and going through the same shamanic trials he had put his character through. Therefore he structured this microcosmic holographic projection in a self benefitting and conducive narrative. If his character got a woman the women that came into his life would be identical to the character, if his character became wealthy and came into money so would he. We can then hack our reality at the quantum level with these forms of subliminal sigils known as Hypersigils through various different creative outlets.
Maybe then at the end of the comic you can add plot twist or reveal, that the reader who reads it also gets results so reader also gets effected same way .
I’ve done multiple hypersigls in the past and they kick ass dude
This is brilliant and a more refined version of what a hyper sigil can be
Or has ever been used
I love this. I had to smile when I saw how it ended, with the mysterious windfall. As someone who has been experimenting with hypersigils for years, I would sometimes get results before I even published my work, which I think says something about the nature of magic in general.
It would be great if you could update this thread with any results that come from this, I would be interested to hear.