Humans and their connection with demons - Unexplained knowledge since childhood

Or maybe is it this one? Belphegor - Wikipedia


Perhaps, but heā€™s associated with invention which i have none of lol. Also Beleth is associated with math based on a 2 second google, i think i should probably research them more.

You can simply meditate upon on his sigil, call out to him, and ask if he is indeed your guardian Demon.


Iā€™m thinking it more then likely was a binding of her abilities.

@blaze if you would like to PM me I might be able to help you (cut your bindings). Iā€™m not make any promises that it will work, but I am will ing to give it a shot. If Iā€™m lucky I might be able to cut all the bindings she has done.

I know this thread is an older one, but I was just surprised by your story and the age of loss. I myself used to be able to see and hear entities quite easily, almost to a fault because I had no reference for what it was. Around the age of 23 (same age), I did a fair amount of a plant called Datura Stramonium that I was introduced to by a self-styled shaman friend, tripped balls, and subsequently lost a lot of that ability. Frustrating stuff.

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That sucks, and is legit the first time Iā€™ve heard of an entheogen removing abilities.

Sorry to read this.

Any bright folks have any ideas on fixing this?


My hope is that the loss is more like a temporary wound that can heal, or that was cauterized for my own safety back then (because I did occasionally question my sanity, and not everything I met was friendly, one purposely harassed me by scratching at the underside of my bed for months). Hopefully, it is something that can be lifted with practice and readiness for the talent. My positive thought is that it isnā€™t permanent.

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I did develop a very healthy interest in plant spirit allies afterwards, and I paid a lot of respect to the Zombie Cucumber (another of Daturaā€™s names, haha). I read that the spirit of Datura is female, is possessive of her charges, and is known for the negative trait of ā€œgiving people great power without giving them the character to wield itā€, Castenedaā€™s source actually disliked Datura for that reason. I donā€™t know if that fact somehow pertains to my situation, but it is interesting still.

I donā€™t begrudge the plant. It let me see all the shadow people, and even some amazing fairy-like creatures in the grass that looked like tiny humanoid beetle-creatures. And possibly gave me a mundane premonition of my car getting vandalized, which I saw while under the influence, and then actually happened a couple weeks later.

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You can work with that plants deva (spirit) to negate this effect.

Also working with plant spirits whose plants Induce dreams and visions like mugwort or absinthe

Or you can also choose to work with spirits whose forte is helping you improve your astral senses and perceptions to overcome this effect.

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Well partially demons could be responsible. I think a lot of it is also nature and nurture. Sometimes people are just born with brains with a certain set of 1s and 0s that make them better at math. At what point can we say itā€™s spiritual? Or are we saying itā€™s all spiritual?

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This is an old topic (I am not sure why people decided to resurrect it). I stopped thinking about this concept a while ago.

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It is interesting. Many spirits are animated concepts how can we tell whatā€™s from them and whatā€™s from random chance?

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If you believe every effect has a cause, then ā€œrandom chanceā€ is off the table. Chance is not a force that has a causal impact on an event. Itā€™s a human abstraction of an occurrence whose factors are undetectable or cannot be quantified entirely or partially.

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Agreed. Chance is our summation of missing variables and lack of knowledge

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So at what point is it a configuration of 1s and 0s vs an external forceā€™s influence

Exactly. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t believe in coincidences.

Now, in regards to your questionā€¦

You really canā€™t know. Human brain is limited. You can, however, attribute certain things to spirits and have a ā€œchanceā€ (this word canā€™t be avoided, itā€™s a part of our language) to be right or wrong.

Spirits are animated ideas, so you have a ā€œgreaterā€ chance to be right than wrong, Iā€™d say. For example, if a child is very adverserial and questioning since birth, but hasnā€™t been encouraged by the environment to do so, and ends up having an attraction towards Satan and Satanism, you could say that the child had a spiritual affinity towards Satan.

These things arenā€™t too frequent, but they do happen.

I personally donā€™t think about this too much. I donā€™t care. What I care about is the practical application of magic, and practical methods towards ascent.

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Now how can we know if this adversarial is a result of his nature and nurture or not. It seems difficult to pin point. Perhaps if occult knowledge comes from nowhere. I mean deep occult knowledge. A child being able to explain large occult concepts naturally and able to describe specific laws of occult philosophy

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It is difficult, which is why I donā€™t bother.

But, if we really want to go there, I would say that itā€™s not nurture if the child has not been encouraged to act that way.

You could say itā€™s perhaps nature because of genetics & epigenetics, but if the child comes from a family of conformists, then yeahā€¦who knows.

I think genes are overrated.

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