How would you Magically attack a resistant / persistent target?

A Target who Magick worked on, but due to a strong will and personality type they carried on?

Is it just a matter of time and layering with such a unusual target or are some people just able to ignore the effects and carry on due to their own negative energy blotting it out?

I have never experienced this before


Take everything they have away, physically, emotionally and relationship wise.

Then start attacking mentally.
Drive them insane, deplete them from energy.
Force them to be so hungry for energy that they take the Death energy you send to them out of desperation.

Make them Trust you, and when the moment is right, strike the last hit.

It always works.:blush:


Some people have protections as well, or help, or heal themselves with meditation.

In this case repeated work and looking for weaknesses, cracks in the armour to target help. Overwhelm them with armies with waves of attacks over time.


This target is a sociopath type. Raum removed his friendship group, reputation and dignities.

Belial took his material belongings such as house, business, relationship and he has had a few good kicking lately for ripping people off

Dra talon and Keltar did their thing and Lucifer shattered his ego. Belial also took his health and he became a drug user.

Glasya caused a crash he survived, but his friend did not

Despite all of this, this person moves forward to still try and harm . Weaker, but still alive and trying


Hmmm, his crack in the armour is his obsessional personality type. Maybe channel that to unhealthy addictions instead of harming and fixating on others. thanks

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I just want to my enemies business crumble and went bankrupt. The thing is, this dude had nothing to do with me, but to my sister.

Can I just transmute my anger, toward him and ask for Raum to do the job? Or maybe you guys have other opinion


Do a ritual for him to have money just to be spent on drugs and wait for the overdose.


I did a morphine and alcohol OD jar with Belial about 4 months ago… He is declining but has made more friends due to dealing to meet his needs… I am thinking of exploiting that and bringing violence to him …


Grah’aht’talion is excellent for this.


@Chosen_Path Who is Grah aht talion never heard of him before ? Is he a deity or his he a demon ?


Book of Azazel.


Any form of shielding can be bypassed without destroying it, if they have spiritual protection/help that’s a bit different and requires further thought depending on the individual.

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@Bordicum look up Rein Sharpes Ugly Stick curse in Anthology of Sorcery 3.

It’s good that your layering and using different demons to attack from many fronts. That’s the way to go. THey can’t have protection in all areas of life. There will be a crack in one of those areas. Just keep attacking when you feel like it. Also let some time be between spells for it to work. marinate the spells. Each one needs to settle in. Redo if you feel the need be. It’s good to use different demons cuz each one of those attack is not 100% guarantee. There are some degrees of damage depending if the demons are connected to you. Certain demons have different element which might not suit your element so it’s less powerful. Just like video rpg games. We have certain element that is stronger. Earth, water, fire etc… I say just keep attacking until your satisfied. Just don’t lose yourself in the process. YOu still need to live in the physical world. Don’t sacrifice yourself to get your goal.


Thanks :pray:t4: ok

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Then you have to be persistent and more strong willed than they are, and don’t let up. Keep at it. Bring target down one thing at a time. Weaken them little by little, until their resistance is futile.

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I will. I have gained a lot of power in the last year with sheer hard work and research. I fully intend to finish this final quarter of life in him this coming year.

The book of Azazel is proving very useful in this actually. thanks

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Perfect time for vampirising his life force don’t you think ?

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Well he is a sociopath that’s pretty much their entire essence of life they live to fuck others peoples life. That’s just an order of things being sociopath. But I like what you been doing so far to him/her

