How would I put a glamour on myself…

How would I put a glamour on myself so I can believe that I am a beautiful and attractive woman… I’m thinking I will do this in conjunction with changing my “frequency/vibration” from being an abused person, a weak person that leeches can prey on, from being someone who radiates energy that draws in abusers and assholes and mockers. To change my frequency, I will have a mantra that says “I am a beautiful and attractive woman.” How else can I change my frequency or vibration? I want to put an unbreakable spell on myself that others can’t ever break. (And I don’t want to the be the type of person that thinks I’m better than anyone else though.)

I want to take control of my life, my mind, and my body.


Mirrors are your best bet tool-wise.
I recommend working with Lilith- She helped me with glamour magick! She can also help empower you.


Maybe try the excellent work Rites of Astaroth by Denerah Erzebet


Ooh. My brain just ran away with how you may have meant mirrors being a tool and I thought;

Draw a sigil on a mirror (lipstick or marker) and gaze at your reflection through the sigil with your intention.

I don’t know why I thought that but it might be worth trying :thinking:


That will certainly work!
Lipstick is a great tool to use too for glamour magick. Did you know, way back when, lipstick was banned because it thought to make women too attractive and enhancing? In the 1920’s, red lipstick was illegal because people thought it was a way to poison men?


Yes I can imagine all of that being true. Oh those devious women trying to get us men :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually I’m thinking the sigil on a mirror could work for lots of different things where you want to project something, energies, abilities into yourself.

For an example, a few minutes ago I was leaning back on my bed staring at a blank wall. Hmm ok good for thinking and letting your mind roll but then I stood up and faced a big mirror and pretended for a moment that there was a sigil on it with me in the reflection, thinking I could easily gaze and imagine what kind of clothes a new me would wear, what kind of perception I might want others to have of me, what my life would look like in this mirror.

It seemed a very direct way of connecting with what I was seeing, what is there right now in that reflection and what I might want to change.


Good idea. Thank you.