How to use a black mirror!

Hey friends! I wanted to share my blessing for a black mirror, as well as some instructions on how to use a black mirror with you! I recently shared this with a friend of mine, and thought it would be a perfect addition to the fourm.

A Blessing for the Scrying Black Mirror:

In the realm where shadows meet the light,
In the reflective surface, mysteries ignite.
Bless this mirror, dark and deep,
A sacred vessel, secrets to keep.
Under the moon’s enchanting glow,
Let visions dance, let insights flow.
May this mirror be a portal true,
To realms unseen, to wisdom anew.
Blessings upon this mirror’s face,
Grant clarity, wisdom, and divine grace.
As I gaze into its obsidian sheen,
May the mysteries of the unseen be seen.
Guardians of the cosmic expanse,
Watch over this mirror with gentle glance.
Protect its portal, keep it clear,
Guide me as I journey, free from fear.
Let the energy of the Earth and sky,
Infuse this mirror, amplify.
May it be a conduit, pure and bright,
Connecting realms, bridging the night.
As I scry and seek visions grand,
May the guidance of the unseen hand,
Lead me with purpose, wisdom, and might,
In the sacred space of reflective light.
Bless this mirror, this tool of art,
A gateway to the soul, a mystical part.
May its energy be charged and clear,
As I navigate the realms without fear.
So mote it be, with gratitude and grace,
This black mirror blessed in a sacred space.
As above, so below, as within, so without,
In the dance of shadows, let wisdom sprout.

Scrying is an ancient divination practice that involves gazing into a reflective surface to gain
insights, visions, or answers to questions. A black mirror is a popular tool for scrying, and it’s
believed to enhance one’s ability to perceive messages from the subconscious or spiritual
realm. Here’s a guide on how to use a black mirror for scrying:

Getting Started:

  1. Choose or Obtain a Black Mirror:
  • You can purchase a black mirror designed specifically for scrying, or you can make one
    yourself. Ensure that the mirror is completely black and has a reflective surface without
    distortions or imperfections.
  1. Prepare the Space:
  • Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Dim the lights or use
    candles to create a serene atmosphere. Some practitioners prefer to scry during specific phases
    of the moon or at particular times, such as midnight or dawn.
    Personal Preparation:
  1. Relaxation and Grounding:
  • Before beginning the scrying session, take a few moments to relax and ground yourself.
    Deep breathing or meditation can help clear your mind and enhance your focus.
  1. Set Intentions:
  • Clearly state your intentions for the scrying session. Whether you seek guidance, answers to
    specific questions, or insight into your life, expressing your purpose can help guide the
    The Scrying Process:
  1. Positioning the Mirror:
  • Place the black mirror on a stable surface at eye level. Some practitioners prefer to cover the
    mirror when not in use to maintain its energy.
  1. Gazing Technique:
  • Focus your gaze on the reflective surface of the black mirror. Soften your gaze and allow
    your eyes to relax. Avoid staring too intensely, as this can cause eye strain.
  1. Be Patient:
  • Allow images, symbols, or impressions to come to you naturally. Avoid forcing or straining to
    see something. The experience may vary from person to person, and it might take time to
    develop your scrying skills.
  1. Interpretation:
  • Take note of any symbols, images, or thoughts that come to you during the scrying session.
    Trust your intuition and instincts when interpreting the messages. Keep a journal to document
    your experiences and reflections.
    Closing the Session:
  1. Express Gratitude:
  • When you feel the session is complete, express gratitude for any insights or messages
    received. This helps maintain a positive and respectful connection with the spiritual energies
  1. Cleanse and Protect:
  • Some practitioners choose to cleanse their black mirror after each use to remove any
    lingering energies. Additionally, consider protective rituals or visualizations to safeguard yourself
    from negative influences.
  1. Reflect and Learn:
  • After each session, take time to reflect on your experiences. This reflection can help you
    refine your scrying skills and deepen your connection with the practice over time.
    Remember that scrying is a personal and intuitive process, and results may vary. Practice
    regularly to enhance your abilities and trust the insights that come to you during your scrying

Using a black mirror for communication with spirits involves an additional layer of intention and
sensitivity. While some practitioners believe that scrying alone can facilitate communication with
the spirit realm, others may employ specific techniques to enhance this connection. Here’s a
section on how to communicate with spirits using a black mirror:
Communicating with Spirits:

  1. Enhancing Spirit Connection:
  • Before beginning the scrying session, express your intention to connect with spirits. State
    your purpose clearly, whether it’s seeking guidance, communicating with a specific entity, or
    receiving messages from the other side.
  1. Create a Sacred Space:
  • Consider performing a ritual or creating a sacred space to invite positive and benevolent
    energies. This can involve the use of candles, incense, or other tools that resonate with you and
    are believed to attract positive spiritual energy.
  1. Protection and Grounding:
  • Prioritize your safety and well-being by establishing protective measures. Visualize a
    protective barrier around yourself and the space, and invoke the presence of benevolent spirits
    or guides to assist and safeguard the communication process.
  1. Opening and Closing Invocations:
  • Begin the session with an opening invocation, inviting spirits with positive intentions to
    communicate with you. Clearly state that you welcome only benevolent and helpful energies.
    Similarly, close the session with a gratitude-filled closing invocation, thanking the spirits for their
    communication and asking them to depart peacefully.
  1. Ask Specific Questions:
  • If you have specific questions or topics you’d like to discuss with spirits, formulate them
    clearly in your mind or even speak them aloud during the scrying session. Be patient and
    attentive to any impressions or responses that may come to you.
  1. Trust Your Intuition:
  • While scrying, pay attention to any subtle changes in the images, symbols, or feelings that
    arise. Trust your intuition to discern whether you are receiving messages or impressions from
    the spirit realm. It may not always be direct or explicit; sometimes, it could be a subtle feeling or
    a symbolic representation.
  1. Maintain a Respectful Attitude:
  • Approach spirit communication with respect and humility. Treat the spirits with kindness and
    gratitude. Avoid demanding or forcing communication, as spirits may choose when and how to
    convey their messages.
  1. Closing the Communication:
  • When you feel the communication has concluded or if you sense any discomfort, close the
    session with a closing invocation expressing gratitude and respectfully asking the spirits to
    depart. Ensure that the protective measures you established earlier remain in place.
  1. Reflect and Record:
  • After the session, take time to reflect on the communication experience. Record any
    messages, impressions, or insights in your journal. This documentation can help you analyze
    patterns over time and deepen your understanding of spirit communication through scrying.

Always approach spirit communication with a balanced and cautious mindset. Not all
practitioners believe in or feel comfortable with attempting to contact spirits, so it’s crucial to
align your practices with your beliefs and values. If you ever feel uneasy or encounter
challenging energies, seek guidance from experienced practitioners or spiritual mentors.

Communicating with angels through a black mirror involves a specific and focused approach.
Many practitioners believe that angels are benevolent and divine beings that can offer guidance,
protection, and insights.

Here’s a section on how to use a black mirror to communicate with an

Connecting with Angels:
21. Set Clear Intentions:

  • Before you begin the scrying session, set clear and positive intentions to connect with an
    angel. Express your desire for guidance, protection, or wisdom from a benevolent and divine
  1. Create a Sacred Atmosphere:
  • Establish a sacred and serene environment to invite angelic energies. Use symbols, colors,
    or items that resonate with the angelic realm. Light candles, burn incense, or play soft and
    uplifting music to create an atmosphere that aligns with the energy of angels.
  1. Invoke Angelic Presence:
  • Begin the session with an invocation specifically addressing angels. You can use prayers,
    affirmations, or your own heartfelt words to invite angelic beings into the space. Request their
    guidance and assistance in a manner that feels authentic to you.
  1. Visualize a Connection:
  • As you gaze into the black mirror, visualize a radiant light or energy that represents the
    presence of angels. Focus on this light and imagine it enveloping you in a warm and comforting
    embrace. Trust that this visualization enhances your connection with the angelic realm.
  1. Ask for Guidance:
  • Clearly articulate your questions or seek guidance from the angels. It could be related to
    your spiritual path, life decisions, or any challenges you may be facing. Frame your inquiries
    with openness and humility, inviting the angels to share their wisdom with you.
  1. Be Open to Signs and Symbols:
  • Angels often communicate through signs, symbols, and intuitive impressions. Pay attention
    to any subtle changes in the images or feelings during the scrying session. Be open to receiving
    messages in unexpected ways, such as through symbols, colors, or even feelings of warmth
    and reassurance.
  1. Express Gratitude:
  • Throughout the communication session, express gratitude for the presence and guidance of
    the angels. Gratitude is believed to strengthen the connection and create a harmonious
    exchange between you and these divine beings.
  1. Closing the Session:
  • When you feel the communication has concluded, thank the angels for their presence and
    guidance. Close the session with a closing invocation, expressing gratitude and asking the
    angels to depart peacefully. Ensure that the protective measures established earlier remain in
  1. Reflect and Record:
  • Take time to reflect on the communication experience with the angels. Record any
    messages, symbols, or insights in your journal. This documentation can help you integrate the
    guidance into your life and deepen your connection with angelic energies over time.
    Approach the communication with angels with sincerity, humility, and an open heart. Remember
    that these practices are deeply personal, and your experiences may vary. If you encounter
    challenges or uncertainties, seek guidance from spiritual mentors or practitioners experienced in
    angelic communication.

Communicating with your higher self through a black mirror involves tapping into your own inner
wisdom, intuition, and spiritual essence. The higher self is often considered the wiser and more
elevated aspect of your consciousness. Here’s a section on how to use a black mirror to
communicate with your higher self:

Connecting with Your Higher Self:
30. Set Inner Intentions:

  • Before you begin, take a few moments to set clear and sincere intentions to connect with
    your higher self. Express your desire for guidance, self-discovery, and personal growth. Frame
    your questions with a focus on your spiritual journey and personal development.
  1. Create a Quiet Space:
  • Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can be free from distractions. Dim the
    lights or use candles to create a serene atmosphere. This can help you relax and turn your
    attention inward.
  1. Deep Breathing and Relaxation:
  • Practice deep breathing or meditation to relax your mind and body. Center your awareness
    on the present moment, letting go of external concerns and mental chatter. This state of
    relaxation facilitates a deeper connection with your higher self.
  1. Set the Intention to Connect:
  • As you gaze into the black mirror, set the specific intention to connect with your higher self.
    Visualize a channel of light or energy extending from your heart to the reflective surface,
    symbolizing the connection between your conscious self and your higher self.
  1. Ask Reflective Questions:
  • Pose questions to your higher self that focus on your personal growth, purpose, and
    understanding. Ask about areas of your life where you seek clarity or insight. Be open to
    receiving guidance in the form of images, feelings, or intuitive impressions.
  1. Trust Intuitive Responses:
  • Pay attention to any intuitive responses that arise during the scrying session. Your higher
    self may communicate through symbols, feelings, or a deep sense of knowing. Trust these
    insights and allow them to guide your understanding of yourself and your life.
  1. Embrace Self-Reflection:
  • Use the scrying session as an opportunity for self-reflection. Explore your thoughts and
    emotions with an open heart. The black mirror serves as a tool to amplify your inner awareness
    and facilitate a dialogue with your higher self.
  1. Express Gratitude:
  • Throughout the communication session, express gratitude for the guidance and wisdom of
    your higher self. Gratitude enhances the positive and harmonious connection between your
    conscious self and your higher consciousness.
  1. Closing the Session:
  • When you feel the communication has reached a natural conclusion, thank your higher self
    for its guidance. Close the session with a sense of gratitude and a few moments of reflection.
    Ensure that the protective and grounding measures you established earlier remain in place.
  1. Record Insights:
  • After the session, take time to record your insights, messages, or feelings in a journal.
    Documenting your experiences can help you integrate the wisdom of your higher self into your
    daily life and foster ongoing personal development.

Remember, the communication with your higher self is a deeply personal and introspective
journey. Be patient, open-minded, and compassionate with yourself as you explore this aspect
of your consciousness. If you encounter challenges, consider seeking guidance from spiritual
mentors or practitioners experienced in connecting with the higher self.