How to train astral senses?

Would meditating help increase astral senses?

I’m trying to build my senses before my I create a servitor because I probably won’t be able to feel or see it.

Any simple methods I can use? Yes I’m also using the search function.

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There’s plenty of information available on training the astral senses, but one of the simplest is chanting this mantra:

Try chanting it 99 times a day for about two weeks.


Do I say it aloud? And do I meditate or just sit down and do it?

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Just relax and chant it out loud. There’s no need to meditate, or get into a deep trance.


Is this all I need to do? Or are there any other exercises?

In the beginning I did some meditations to focus on working on my energy body, but then I just started to train my astral senses by using them. By opening sigils and things like that to connect with spirits such as Lady Lilith. In the beginning I didn’t get much, although she put in more effort by just manifesting to me which helped me to know this stuff was legit…she was very upfront…

But yeah, my advice is really to use your senses. That’s the best practice out there. In the beginning it might be frustrating but with time it’ll improve. Also, you can do other exercises such as just feeling out your surroundings, I like to do this when in nature…it’s a wonderful thing.

Hope this is helpful.

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There are plenty of other exercises, but the mantra is a good place to start.

If you do stuff like Pathworkings or evocations with evocation keys where you visualize stuff with your senses, that improves your ability to receive “visions” and similar communications.

You practice doing it, you become better able to have it occur in your mind, then the spirits can use that to cause things to arise because you have that capacity. That’s all there is to it.

For psychic communication with a spirit, if you just kinda relax and vibe out a bit while the spirit is summoned maybe something interesting will happen.


I’ve been doing this one 10-30 minutes a day for about three or four weeks so far. I haven’t noticed any changes as far as sensory acuities go. I do get interesting forehead sensations though, so I think something is slowly shifting. Time will tell

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This one might help you too, its for removing blocks to psychic abilities. I’ve only just discovered it

Incantations - General Discussion - Become A Living God

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