How to summon Naamah

Create your own sigil for Naamah, consecrate it, work on empowering it, focus your goals into the symbol to draw it’s power from the universe.

With the process of making a sigil, you must keep the desire/intent of the sigil and Naamah in mind throughout. The sigil charging process starts before even during the very act of making the sigil.

Create circles around your magical symbol for Neemah. It embodies the energies of protection and focus. The magical purpose of drawing a circle around your sigil is to allow its energy to draw and build and to protect the sigil giving it power.

Some practitioners draw two circles around a sigil to ensure added protection of the sigil’s energy, many fill the space between these two circles with other sigils, magical symbols, and words/alphabet to enhance the energy and the circles protection of the sigil within.