How To Soul Travel Guaranteed

Hey, just reading this thread n I have a quick question. Is it possible to astral project somewhere and pick up what u left? Can my astral self bring back stuff that belongs to me, to me?


What exactly do you mean by

“ Can my astral self bring stuff back that belong so to me ? “.


Applouse, for such a great detailed, in depth explenation!

Thank you C. Kendall.



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I left my stethoscope at some lady’s hse. She won’t answer my calls about bringing it back to the office, n her hubby kinda took a liking to me, so I won’t be going back there. Any ideas how I can get it?

I was wondering if my astral self went there, would it be able to grab that for me?


Depends on the atachment.
A physical object can’t be picked up and carried away from there to be at your place (basically stealing), but it can be re-produced in your current enviorment based on the original form.
If it actually belongs to you and haven’t been rebound to a new owner, the Item will actually seek to come back to your aid, at least if it’s energetically bound.

Non the less, if it’s a person or living entity, the game changes drastically, as there’s a lot of manipulation you can do from the astrals to influence behavior and outcomes.

Yes. Andromalius.
Evoke him, and ask him to bring the Stethoscope back.
He’s well known to be good at bringing back lost and stolen goods.




Cool. That lady is just 4 real being a bitch. I could hit her under the belt and shoot her hubby a txt instead. That’ll drive her nuts cuz she doesn’t even know I have the number.

Andromalius sounds like a good idea too. I’ll read on him b4 I call on him. Does he usually want gifts etc?


Dragon’s Blood is his favored incense.
You can, however successfully evoke him with sandalwood too.
I used both, both worked.

Plus, fun fact, he’s pretty angelic / order oriented for a Demon.^^

You can use that Enn-Chanting right away, it’s done by a professional Sorceres. (i’m not completely sure, but it think it’s actually even from a Balg member. :wink: )

I should mention that Andromalius is extremely protective!
He’ll not just bring back what had been stolen, he’ll also prevent it happening again, as far as i know And*y




Thanks bro. I’ll use dragon blood. I think it smells good too.

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Ok wow this has helped me a bunch


Yes, your body is still available…sensing and processing info while out.
I have found that if someone so much as touches me, it draws me back and startles me. It’s disturbing.

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@C.Kendall If I know Astral Projection is it easier to do Soul Travel?

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The technique you have mentioned to do every time you want to Soul Travel?

Also is it worth listening to any meditation music or guides while performing the meditation part of this guide?

When i sat down making a sigil. There was some sort of light miniatyr lights all over flickering lights like glittery lights. I lookedat at it for a while interessting thing. :thinking::blush:

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What are the side effects if i try this without ever attempting to soul travel once before trying this?as you said it is for those who failed to soul travel

Soul travel is a term used over OOBE it’s all the same thing. Personally I don’t like the term soul travel because the soul isn’t traveling anywhere, but the energy body which is linked to the soul. However, I don’t think there’s any side effects, maybe besides feeling tired the first few times as you build your stamina to hold a projection longer.


@C.Kendall hey I have a question regarding this post, I’m not sure if I have been doing it this whole time or not and I wanna see what you think :thinking: my experience of supposed soul travel is like I know my eyes are closed cause I can see blackness but I can see the visuals over it like transparent…i use to think it was like the movies and it’s as vivid as your eyes and ears being open completely…or maybe it is and I’m not doing something right

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This is definitely on my list to do for Samhain this year

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Wondered if i was the only person… if im outside in the sun and stare with the weird blurry vision in the back i van see the tiny orbs that shine like diamonds orbit and some crash into each other violently but organized. Very weird but yea ive seen those too. Photons perhaps?! Hahah

Astral travelings not all that challenging for me sometimes when I take short naps spirits give me messages In theta I say astral travelings not hard but all I need left tis a exiting technique.