How to solidify your consciousness inside your energy body

also merging my chakras together to get better senses is not shortcut

What makes you think it will give you better senses? youre still not practicing your senses in the end. However, needless to say I don’t really care what you do with your energy body. More or so noticing the shortcuts that you for some reason keep denying but :man_shrugging:

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It gives better senses because your energy body is no longer divided by chakras

I’ve completed the activation of the Sigil of Lord Voldemord.

You can now access it,
like any normal Demonic Sigil.

I noticed his Eyes Flashing and breathing,
when uploading my contribution into it,
and activating it for all Balg Members.

So i think it’s safe to say,
that the flashing, breathing eyes represent the sigil to be active,
for those working with it.

Slytherin let’s me know,
that the Teeth being active also represents it being active,
and more specifically,
that that part of the sigil,
will be flashing actively,
when he’s called to act on your behalf,
when someone wants him to kill in his name,
or to perform magick in his name.

Voldemort clearly stated,
that he can and does teach immortality.
He also teaches various other Dark Practices and forms of Dark Magick.

The Dark Lord,
might teach you on Occlumentics,
and on Teleportation,
he also teaches you how to live from various forms of energy.

Consider him a Master Vampire,
Elder Vampire,
or Snake God,
in terms of degree of Power.

I also have a certain sense,
of him liking to remind people about their own mortality,
when called by mortals.

a word of caution there.

He can definately assist,
help and even guide through various Rebirth rituals.


What makes you think that’s how that works? experience or a book?


Dear Lop_Pollo.

I think,
the fact that i wanted to write Lord Voldemorts Gnosis on a sole own Topic,
due to it’s importance,
and wanting it to cleanly be accessable to Balg,
yet him forcing me to write it here,
clearly indicates his calling towards you.

i’ve been called to make him accessable and activate his sigil fully for Balg.

Which is done and completed now.

I recommend,
you talk To the Dark Lord.

He certainly seeks to help you,
and guide you in your work.

He’s clearly insisted on me providing all that tools for you,
so i hope you use it.




i was actually planning on using the sigil before i read this last post @Yberion

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I’m, glad to see.

Thank you,
for confirming back to me.



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I just wish I had the senses to hear him

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you do.
Activate the Sigil.

In case you really need more training:

(more specifically, what i wrote)

you’re spilled with possible sources to learn from.

If they’re not enough,
use the search function please.

There’s various Tutorials on how to develope your Clear Voyance, and Astral Senses.

Apart from that,
you can also ask the Dark Lord directly to teach you.

He does teach that skill aswell.

After all,
Slytherin has been Teaching complete Legions in his Region,
for several hundreds of years. :wink:




You just need to do the work with a practical foundation.
I encourage you to read Uncle Setnakt’s Essential Guide to the Left-Hand Path.


Thank you, Zohak.

I guess you rather like,
the contribution on Lord Voldemord. xD



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Wait… so I could actually meet Lord Voldemort? Whatever you do don’t let the muggle potter heads find out. Lol. Though seriously. Wait, is he like a god form or tulpa?


Probably used to be a tulpa, but now a godform because of all the energy he has gotten

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Godform is technically just a “superpowered” tulpa lol.


Some people use it to name the higher self of the higher self @anon48079295

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That sounds like a silly way to take it but whatever floats their boat.


Also just as a name for any powerful spirit. Servitor or a being made with a soul. No difference

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Servitors only have souls if the creator fragments their own and imbues that fragment into it. Otherwise they don’t have souls like actual beings. So yes a difference. If you are capable of scanning you’d feel and see the difference.


I am not saying there is no difference between them. I am saying godform could be used for both

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