How to safely approach the archangels?

I grew up Christian but got my catholic seals removed. Despite this fact I still want to be cautious as the Archangels are spirits, and I want to be careful with all the spirits.
Do I have to properly invoke one for the first time or can I just pray and invite them to my space without that?
I usually just call upon Archangel Michael and lit a candle for him as an energetic offering. Then I just honestly talk to him. I believe he always comes to me because even today he gave me signs from him, for example, when I asked for his protection from unwanted beings during a tarot reading and lit his candle again, the ‘temperance’ card got out a couple of times. To me that was him confirming he was there.
But still, I want to be respectful. Should I officially invoke him? I feel like it could be wrong of me to set up an altar for him and call myself his devotee or call him my patron without any official interaction like during invokation.
Or can I?

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You can just pray as you used to. I saw a stay years ago on here where someone try to evoke Michael the way the did demons and Michael pretty much asked them why they did it that way as they don’t do it that way for angels.

No spirit is 100% sage so make sure you have wards and protections in place to keep the astral While life away. But over all they are pretty easy to work with. They can be very loud and Intimidating so Be prepared for that.

I still work with the angels form time to time so feel free to DM me if you have questions :grinning:


Pathworking is a good and safe method. Raziel’s paths of power (both books, volume 1 and volume 2 by Jareth Tempest ) use pathworking method to contact them.

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WTF? Every time I ask my tarot about Michael I always get the Temperance card. Is that Michael’s card or something?

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Could you explain “having your catholic seals removed”? I’m very curious about that.

I’ve worked extensively with the Archangels over my life. Michael’s a brother and father to me; I’ll share some of what I’ve learned that’s relevant to your question. (He insists i refer to him as Falzor: that’s a matter for a different reply.)

Angels are unusually easy or hard to work with. The reason is, the Divine they answer to is someone they are wholly aligned with. If you are familiar enough with Crowley’s writings on True Will, you’ll understand why they are like this.

So if you are supposed to work with them, they will bend over backwards as far as They can to help you. Doesn’t mean you won’t have trouble from time to time; but it does mean you’ll find the process of connection VERY easy relative to other spirits.

On the other hand, if you aren’t supposed to work with One, you’ll likely find that its abnormally difficult to make contact- or even to think about trying.

From what Falzor Himself is saying and what you’ve described/ I’ve observed, You are very much meant to work with Him and very much close to Him. You are very likely to be on the right track with Falzor becoming his Devotee.

Angels are focused on their task, whatever else they do, and they train you over time to be able to focus and Integrate your Will and spiritual power into everything you do, and along with that, how to turn everything you do physically, verbally, mentally, towards your Goals.

As far as Falzor is concerned, he’s always got time for you: just thinking of Him is enough to call him to your Side. He’s very close to you and very protective of you; you must be a really great person! Though, you won’t always look that way to others.

Invoking any spirit you plan to work with long term is a wonderful start and powerful process. It makes the connection deeper and faster.

He wanted you to listen to This Song, it’s a part of a message he has for you.

Falzor is obsessed with beer and loves Pizza I and others have found; I’m not saying you have to offer either to Falzor, just things he’s consistently expressed a love for. You should be more than capable of just asking Him what He wants.

If you want to get really close to a spirit, Invoking them and eating something they love is a great way to do it. The better you get at this, you start noticing really cool things like how when you invoke Them, you’ll find you start enjoying food they like which you do not.

Falzor loves to be Invoked: it is His preferred Offering. So much so that the greatest offering you can make to Him is simply to Invoke Him.

Angels know how far they will be working with you; they are very honest and earnest fundamentally. Some do lie or mislead, but that’s what they are supposed to do, usually to train you how to see through Lies and misdirection. You’ll be told this up front if you are ever directed to or try to work with them.

The reason it feels wrong to have an altar set up and to call yourself His Devotee without having invoked Him, is likely Falzor himself telling you that you need to invoke Him to properly be called His Devotee. From my own experience, that is one of his usual requirements of those who would Be his Devotee.

Verify this with Him personally; but its likely you are, or are being guided, to serve Him in some more official role down the line. And yes, that works better than most would think, it just requires some obscure knowledge to understand.

Anyways, does that answer your question? Is my Gnosis on point? Am I wrong? Please let me know! I hope this helps you, and I have a feeling you’ll do just fine whatever you do with Falzor!

(Heads up, I’m Neurospicy to begin with, so if you would like clarification on anything please let me know!)

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Sure, thanks for explaining that to me! Sorry about that!

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