How to purify your aura

Each of us has an aura. It is a kind of invisible shield that protects us from external influences and gives us strength. The aura can be filled with negativity, so it needs to be cleaned from time to time.

Another name for the aura is biofield. It can be strong or weak, persistent or changeable, but it requires cleaning, restoration. Human energy can decrease due to various factors, so it must be restored as quickly as possible so as not to lose luck.

How to determine if your Aura needs cleaning

In this case, the person feels unwell. He constantly feels unwell and tired. The usual things often unsettle him. Rest is not satisfying.

You are more likely to have negative thoughts. You worry about nothing, you are constantly worried about something or someone. Some people in this state can easily lose their temper. Many people have to deal with constant anxiety.

Problems with immunity. People whose aura is weakened may get sick more often. The body weakens after the biofield.

A black streak, a lack of luck. Sometimes it happens that problems just come one by one. This is happening for a reason. If negative changes begin in life, and luck is not felt nearby, this may also indicate a weakened or polluted aura.

Causes of aura pollution

Energy vampires. These are people who take your energy for themselves. It’s not worth being around them for a very long time. It is quite simple to understand that a person is an energy vampire. After talking to him, you may feel drained.

The evil eye or corruption. It is not uncommon for the aura to be “devoured” by other people’s negative thoughts and desires. If you suddenly start feeling unwell at home, try to find a so-called lining. This is a vampire thing that sucks the life force out of you and can lead to illnesses, failures, negative emotions and so on.

The house is a mess. Garbage and broken old things in the house make people’s biofield very weak. There is no nourishment, no help, because old things, on the contrary, take away strength, absorbing positive flows.

Negative thoughts. When we doubt ourselves, life changes its course. In fact, negative virus programs and installations simply lead to a weakening of the aura. Do not doubt yourself, as these quicksand are very addictive.

Ways to purify the aura

Aromatherapy. Scented sticks, incense, essential oils, as well as any natural sources of pleasant odor will help you purify the aura. Odors tone the biofield and strengthen it. Men’s fragrances — basil, melissa, cedar, patchouli. Women’s — orange, mandarin, violet, bergamot, lavender. The flavors can be mixed.

Talisman stones. The citrine stone has the best effect on restoring energy. Tiger’s eye, carnelian and amber have a similar effect. These listed talisman stones must be worn at a strictly defined time. This is especially true of amber, which cannot be worn or kept near you during sleep and rest. Tiger’s eye should always be removed during illness. Citrine and carnelian can be worn all the time.

Affirmations. Affirmations are designed to help in the fight against negative emotions and viral programs. Repeat to yourself every day that you are strong, full of luck and capable of many things. It is important not just to say it, but to start believing as soon as possible. The power of thought works wonders.

Rest. It is necessary to rest properly and in a timely manner. Experts advise to rest 5-10 minutes per hour, at least one day a week and two weeks every six months. The fact is that from the point of view of bioenergetics, the brain needs a reboot. He is clogged with negative thoughts that weaken the aura. Rest helps to clear fast memory.

Contrast shower. Water has a life-giving power, so do not underestimate it. A contrast shower perfectly cleanses and strengthens the biofield.

Cleaning the apartment. Cleaning is the best way to get rid of negativity in the shower, because by throwing away everything unnecessary and putting things in order, you create an influx of positive energy in your home. This helps to strengthen your biofield and the biofield of everyone who lives under the same roof with you.

A ritual with a candle. Fire is another element that can purify the aura. Light a candle on a Full Moon at midnight. Holding it in both hands, pronounce the spell: "Good to good, bad to bad. Purify me, the power of Fire, expel negativity and cure me of inner weakness, give me faith in myself and give me strength. I ask Mother Nature at this hour to strengthen the cocoon that protects my soul and saves me from evil people.


This is a great post. Many people forget about spiritual and aura hygiene. So much affects it too. I am definitely going to try this out and share it with others that need it.


I’m glad you found it useful. Yes, you are indeed right. Energy hygiene is comparable to brushing your teeth in the morning and it is no less important than any other hygiene. Of course, I would be interested if these tips helped you!


thank you for the information. very useful for everyone. i will definitely try it out too. have a nice day

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