How to pronounce belial

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Belial himself remarked that this is not even his name. Rather it is our name for him. If that’s the case, I guess that the pronunciation is a rather small matter.


One of the most annoying videos I’ve watched this year. I pronounce it closer to her…but it doesn’t really matter how you pronounce it with a being with so many names. Her voice feels like sandpaper on my ears though


I pronounce it as it is pronounced in spanish, because it sounds so much stronger. Also, It is the way members of the Church of Satan used to pronounce it, and I first heard the name from them. In general I like demons names more when pronounced in spanish.


Should I get pissy because most people mispronounce Goetia and Goetic?
This woman is retentive for idiotic reasons and is attempting to “out-cool” others for absolutely no reason. I doubt her connections to be honest.


I pronounce his name as: Buh Lie uhl


Americans have a tendency to pronounce everything like it’s American. These Names have been used in Europe for centuries and we pronounce them very different. If they would have been intended to be pronounced in the American way they wouldn’t be spelled the way they are.

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Can you type it phonetically for me the way you pronounce the name?

Bay-Lee-A(as in car)l. Like in Ghost’s Year Zero

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Thank You

And the best part, I’m european but been in the usa too long LOL

Maybe he just took on the ideal of the “Betrayal” or “Betrayer” which is where it loosely finds it base.

Also, I don’t expect someone who isn’t Hebrew and trained from birth to be able to say it properly to begin with…

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I use Beh Lyle and Bell EE EL interchangeably

I pronounce (in English, with stress on the second syllable) /bɪˈlaɪəl/ (BUH-LIE-UHL) or (in Latin/French, with light stress on the last syllable) / (BÉ-LI-AL). I think the Latin/French/Spanish pronunciation is better for chants, recitation of mantras.

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Honestly, Belial honestly doesn’t give a shit.

Edit to add that whatever I did an evocation of him, I called upon him in three separate languages, utilizing roughly seven different variations of his name, I don’t think he’s very picky.


Haha, I found this on YouTube a couple weeks ago, hilarious that one could have such reverence for a powerful demon and then also have the audacity and stupidity to think they need you to white knight them and protect something as trivial as pronunciation. Belial could give a shit if I read him correctly.


She isn’t wrong.

I found this interesting
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I believe his name is pronounced “Be lay El” rather than “Be lie el”

It’s like the same argument of whether or not King Paimon’s name is pronounced"Pie mon" or “Pay mon” and he says it’s both

Like Duke Astaroth king Belial also has variation of his names like.