How to manifest reality

When you can manifest a discarnate, but not a sandwich :^)

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This book is the first book I ever had. Its on kindle for .99 cents :rofl:

The Compleat Magical Path Magic Lessons


@serpens_album found the post!
Iā€™ve been doing all these things as instructed by my demon teacher :slight_smile: love it.


Good. And my point is to practice shutting off all chatter in your mind completely for 5 minutes minimum per day. By doing this you slow down all of the daily chatter we get and you will receive messages all day long rather then just when in meditation.


you dont need to meditate raw food is best bet for strenghtening cleansing and improeing your aura that will attract circumstances in your life also i didnt read whole post becuse i attracted 10 000 tines stuff its kinda boring but you cant manifest money lottery and other shit

also zeto point energy staff and pedant are bery good tesla purple ray and ra key its all cleanses streghten your chakra astral body and sura

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zero point energy

You show me any sort of credible source for your claim that raw food can replace a daily meditation regimen, we can discuss


i will

also horus wand are great for improving aura and overal health and acceleration in conciusness

Amazing. Yes the clairaudience started about a month ago. I hear my teacher as my own thoughts in the morning time (that is when I meditate/evoke/invoke/ritual), as well as through tarot. He told me to pull one card a day for my instructions that day. I was originally hoping to hear him in his own voice but I am getting used to hearing him as my inner voice.

I would love to hear him all day long as you said, as well as see him when I close my eyes.
I am sure I will with my constant practice and the group working.

I like your point about stacking rituals or keeping them going as you fall asleep. There are some workings that I cannot let go of the outcome and I have always been sure that there is a way to make that beneficial. I have this vision of a top spinning and when my mind wanders to the spell or the desired outcome (as I know it will) I seize control of my mind empower my spell/the spinning top with more energy/thoughts/emotions making the top spin faster and faster. I have not heard many other people suggest a non-detachment approach. Glad to see Iā€™m not alone or crazy for thinking obsessing could help.


You do want to still detach yourself from the outcome. But for example, on 11:11am and pm instead of making a wish i do a mini trance of the outcome of my spell, then before bed I fall asleep to it. What I am not doing is questioning if it will work, and other then those times it is not on my mind. So youre letting go, not listing for results, simply reinforcing your will strategically


Yes, exactly. I mean sometimes the mind wanders but I catch it immediately play the loop of the outcome.
EA said he does the same thing. He plays a 1 second loop of the desired outcome over and over.


just try my method i forget where i get it

Possibly one of the most awesome threads I have read - it only took me 34 posts in to actually see itā€¦

Thank you!


Thanks bro

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I know everyone preaches meditation as a baby step. W.E. Butler suggested to try it in a busy area once youā€™ve been doing meditation for a short while, or even a few times, his point being if you can successfully meditate for five minutes in a noisy/busy area, then youā€™re ahead of the curve.
My block is wondering what is expected in levels of meditation. I try to imagine color (though this is hard for me as its just ā€¦ Black), try to meditate on an idea, a phrase, or a geometrical object.
I guess Iā€™m asking as someone who wants a breakthrough in it, what should be expected in meditation sessions from beginner to advanced.

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EVERYONES experience is their own. My first month mediating I experienced ectoplasm all over my bedroom. While others may not see that for years. You may be meditating, then all of a sudden soul travel to another world and not even try, in which i personally may never visit in a lifetime where you visited. That is an extremely broad question to answer. What I can say is with meditation you will discover more and more about life and your purposeā€¦ I will allow other ppl to put their 2 cents in as this question can be answered in a multitude of ways.


Great post! Thank you for sharing this.

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