I’m going through a lot including being unemployed for months except for gig work which I’m grateful for. I’ve been reduced to living with a person with negative habits who denies reality so I have to go soon and possibly be homeless while still seeking a job. I did planetary magic yesterday for help from Mars with energy, it’s intelligence Graphiel, the Sun for vitality, and Venus by using white and red candles, frankincense incense, petitions, planet mantras, etc.
I only asked Mars and Graphiel to appear before me after doing a counterclockwise circle of salt and red pepper flakes to remove any blocks.
I’ve been feeling a presence on my right side for many months that isn’t bad. I woke up last night in the cold house without heat while sleeping on a blow up bed in pain. Something tapped into my head from the right side & gave me immense comfort that ended the pain & bad shaking from the cold. Before it slipped into my head with immense care, I smelled a strong smell that turned into a flower smell.
It smelled like very nice flowers, but nothing was said. I was mentally touched and comforted to not feel pain. What could this be? The presence on the right side often comes in the shower and at odd times. It’s even been in the car passenger seat. Not sure if it’s the same.
Appreciate any help as it touched my mind and gave a scent that ended my distress. I don’t have money for tarot cards, new crystals, and books. For the first time in a decade I’m poor & accept blame for my circumstances besides outside factors. Thanks for any help!
I joined just to ask this. It’s best to just do things alone and be quiet. Maybe I should’ve asked about black magic, a love spell, or demons. That’s whats popular here.
If I find the answer to my question I’ll reply to help others learn how to identify a spirit without begging a demon to assist. Many answers here are unhelpful, suggest a demon, or the person doesn’t get help. They like judging, bad advice without warnings, and demon worship.
If you’re thinking of joining to ask a question, don’t do it! Find it on your own.
Floral and other pleasant scents usually remain or may be present in the space after the invocation of Angelic beings. I don’t think you should worry about that. Over time, you will stop noticing it.
What is the reason for your reticence to working with the Demons ? The reason they are popular here in this forum is due to the very positive first hand experiences that many of us have had with them. They are very capable and happy to solve serious problems if you approach them with respect and gratitude.
Since you mention speaking with Mars and Graphiel why would you not attribute them with the nice smell and comfort you received ? In your original post you were not very clear what exactly your question was. It came across as a reflection of your difficult situation and an expression of gratitude for the comforting experience you had.
Because it can mean spiritual attacks even after doing protection practices for some people and their loved ones. Demons or whatever slips thru can attack & attach. Unexplained nightmares and seeing people online laugh and downplay attacks like “Haha, that demon is so quirky. He kicked my ass, but two years later my life is good.” Others blaming the person attacked like “Oh this demon just doesn’t like you personally”.
Sharing demonic rituals without including how to resolve mishaps and reminders to protect the home and warnings. How to know if the entity called showed up. Then you really gave a demon a piece of cheese as a sacrifice for what you asked? No mention of energy transfer, some promote starting with blood, and larger payments not obvious to the naked eye the longer the relationship is engaged.
Also using demons to attack people and for love spells. Demon love spells to dominate another person? Fascinating. I feel bad for anyone trapped in such a pairing.
Plenty of YouTube videos detail when an entity turns on the practitioner and starts wrecking things including their mental health and spouse. Risky. Other magical practices aren’t known to cause random scratches and bruises on the human body. I’m happy to learn if that is false.
Graphiel was my first time working with a planetary intelligence. Besides the very lovely smell I asked for input here to learn and see perspectives.
My situation has changed since I posted this and I have a job interview soon. I’ll do this work again and see if the spirit returns or manifests in a sensory way again. I am grateful as life can be harder. Learning magic has been one of the best things so far, but there’s a lot to learn.
The answer is likely right in front of you. For me it was literally right in front of me, I had a succubus wallpaper on my PC and I found out later my spirit was a succubus. So maybe since you’re already on here the spirit is demonic/dark leaning, they will eventually lead you to their identity.
Thank you for clarifying. The spiritual paths and realities that we can experience have a very wide range of possible scenarios. On my path and with my understanding of the spiritual world I cannot relate to any of the potential negative items or scenarios that you are concerned with ( other than the possible problems you might wind up with by asking the spirits to find a spouse )
It is quite alright for us to have differing views and it was nice of you to take the time to explain your reasons. Best of luck to you. I hope your situation improves soon.
I got a job! Got the call for the interview the morning after the ritual. I’m not sure if the ritual is the reason, but I’m happy! Now I need a place to stay without druggies. I’ll be homeless in a few days, but I definitely can’t stay with people who bring loud strangers over at 3am.
Gotta keep looking for a place and research how or who to ask for help with a new home.
I give thanks to Mars and Graphiel! Thanks to Venus and the Sun as well. To whoever touched my mind & comforted me the night I did the ritual I also give thanks! I really needed it.
Thank you very much and I’m happy you haven’t encountered things like that. I’ve been attacked since I was a child besides sleep paralysis that I was able to overcome by saying God’s name when attacked.
Last year while getting back into practicing, some entity entered my home that I had to get rid of. Then an attack by 3 incubus. One even bit me! The beauty is getting stronger and not giving power or attention to those things.
Now I need a ritual for a new home. I take action and hope rituals help. Venus is also good for sex spells. I once met a lover the day after a ritual. May signup for an esoteric group and learn Kabbalah and the Tree of Life once I’m stable. Best wishes to you:)
I hope it does! Like why show up at odd times or in the shower without saying hello. I asked it to communicate but it only does using sensations. Seems friendly. Thank you.
Months ago while standing on a back porch something came at me & told me to leave. It rushed like a murderous wind and made me run in fear. I wonder if it was a local spirit that scares people in the neighborhood hahah