How to hear entities or spirits? Besides symbols, random songs

How do you hear spirits or entities speak? How do they communicate besides random signs like a song on the radio we sometimes don’t catch or notice? This is a roadblock for me. I’m going further in my study & creating a plan, but how do they speak to us besides random signs we don’t always catch?

I don’t want to use runes and things like tarot cards because when bad spirits communicated my body felt them. I even felt their location in a room and intent. Surely non-bad spirits can communicate besides a vibe?

To be honest, I’m not hyper intelligent magically or always alert for small signs. It serves me no purpose to be arrogant and mean to people. I’ve had a spirit on my right for a year now who I can’t hear, but I feel. He’s not bad. A shaman said he’s a friendly neighborhood spirit, but I moved away from that area & he’s not left me until I recently worked with Orobas (a nice demon with no ill effects besides me being tired the next day as expected).

That neighborhood spirit would try to speak to me, but he’s gone now.

I’ve heard music that isn’t there often (annoying as sometimes its like a symphony) & doesn’t have a source. I’ve smelled things like rotten eggs, flowers, & a fart (hehe) but I can’t hear. It’s kinda rude really. Why are you in my space but not talking or I can’t hear you.

Appreciate any help please. I’m tired of feeling, being afraid of energy if loud, having something around (sad my friend of a year is gone), etc. I will share things here as I research. Being able to communicate besides sensations matters.

From what i’ve read, it’s supposed to sound like your inner voice. The few times i’ve heard my djinn it sounded like my inner voice answering in few words. You need to ask a question and your “inner voice” responds, except it’s your spirits voice.


Many have an inner committee of voices in their mind making their decisions like advisors. There’s a child, parent, critic, executives, etc. It can be drilled down based on psychology and the subconscious like Carl Jung documented somewhat, but I’m speaking on external beings I can feel and sense, but cannot hear.

Sometimes they can move things or show physical signs but cannot speak to me or I can’t interpret.

It is frustrating to feel them but hearing is like they’re behind a bar of soap or foggy glass. I’ve read descriptions of spirits who are able to teach, but how do they teach if you can’t hear them?

They can’t. I have the same issue , and through candle divination in a ritual, a spirit answering yes and no Qs confirmed I will not be able to get the best of his help until I am capable of hearing him. He can easily teach me a ton of useful things, but not if I can’t hear him. It’s frustrating to know the spirit is capable, willing and wanted to help me ,but I can’t hear him,

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What I’m asking is: How to become Clairaudient

Also wondering if I learn to hear will they keep talking? Will I have to drape a black towel over them like parrots? A magician must forge their own path as a plan, but LHP magicians don’t often teach. Worse than inner city teachers with a low budget and those teachers work harder than any magicians. Believe me.

Yeah I get the frustration.
I guess you already tried searching for “clairaudience” on this forum and see if there’s anything that can help you further? Working on opening/ developing your 3rd eye might also help.
The “clairs” that clairaudience falls under are linked to your intuition. Intuition is a ability and a skill, so doing things that develops and strengthen your intuition also strengthens your clairaudience

To answer your question “how to hear entities?”
Most of us have at least one or two of the clairs that is more developed naturally, that is mostly what they attempt to communicate through apart from singularities.
For instance: My clairaudience is utter shite, but I am naturally claircognizant and a little clairsentient .
So if I want to ‘hear’ what a spirit is trying to communicate I’ll.have to sit in meditation for a while and either focus on a question or just sit in silence. I’ll intuitively feel.and know the answer question or even to questions I hadn’t asked.
It’s confusing as hell most of the times in my case, but the more you learn to develop and trust your intuition, the clearer the messages get.

There’s a book (it’s in Portuguese) that teaches you how to open your 3rd eye. It’s called “20 técnica para despertar o poder espiritual”. The book is very Christian/moralist bur just like the old grimoires it can be worked out with other aproach. There are mantras and spirits connected to the book to help you achieve a level of mediumship.

There’s also a ritual designed by @Lux_Anguis to open your ears.

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Thanks for all the advice on how to hear. I’m learning more. Thanks

I’m also going to say this. I can’t help myself. “I’m a money magnet” Is very powerful. If you hear a rap or pop song or something years from now, remember I said it.

“I’m a money magnet” - made money come to me.

IIt’s sexy, vibrant, commanding, harmonious, powerful: “I’m a money magnet” makes money your b or like a flirtatious friend drawn to you in a strong vibration. Magnets attract.

“Money loves me”. Is another one.

Since mods wont delete my account as requested, I I guess they’ll just have to deal with me…

“Money makes me cum”…I don’t like

“the mods” (@DarkestKnight) already gave you contacts to the forum owner to discuss account deletion possibilities and its unfair to bash onto “the mods” for technical stuff thats literally not in their hands. stop trying to pick fights over stuff that has been explained to you.

If you wish your account to be closed you can have your account closed and anonymized. I don’t know how many topics you have opened yourself but maybe there is a way to hide your topics (not every single post) at least from googles eyes.

I will unlist this topic and ask “the mods” to go through your accusations

@Mulberry @DarkestKnight Topic unlisted and closed for mod review.

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Thanks @A_Pariah :sunglasses:

Yes we both reached out to him last week, explained all this in detail, but he took several days to reply and now this. :woman_shrugging:

There’s not much we can do if he won’t read the mod PMs but until he confirms he wants us to anonymise his account we’re still waiting on him.