well here’s my latest update. So my Post Reach is currently 49,000 and Post Engagement is 4,900. So that’s quite a lot of people. It seems that the people reacting to my pictures are mostly from India and Africa.
As for all of these energies, well I don’t really notice any difference in myself personally. So assuming any of this is even real or legit, it would seem the sigil is harvesting all the energy and I am getting nothing out of it, other than the satisfaction that tens of thousands of men are feeling extremely lusty towards my pictures.
I’ll just keep at it, and leave it in the hands of the ancient goddess and her sigil, and see what results come from it. If genuine results don’t start coming within a week or two, then I will cease using her sigil. No one said this is the right hand path of “worship” where we are supposed to just blindly worship some demon or goddess or whatever. We expect something in exchange and if that is not fulfilled then there is no point to continue further.
This is all assuming of course that demons, spirits, angels, ghosts, are even real and not just a figment of humankind’s imagination. The only direct experience i ever had with an entity was when i was like 14, and laying on a cot in my bedroom and two greys walked THROUGH the door like it wasnt solid and i felt extreme panic and then passed out and woke up probably an hour later. It’s my understanding that those grey aliens are “bhutas”, ghosts, according to the sanskrit term. So maybe interdimensional demons, aliens, ghosts, angels exist but i cannot directly perceive them nor do i want to.
Anyway let’s see how it goes. If nothing else, this is quite fun, to wake up to 100s of messages daily of “hi dear how are u?” and “show me your bobs plz”.
EDIT: here’s a few messages i just saw
“hi i am from India”
“I like you very much I like you do you want to have a relationship with me”
“hi angel”
“I am master Shiva medium intervening in all your problems of life”
“Are you looking a person for marriage?”
“What app number send me”
“How are u beautiful lady”
“I am from Nepal. R u model?”