How to get rid of outside influences

How do you get rid of outside interferences in relationships both personal and business

I’m going to name all the methods I can think of, off the top of my head - further research into them however is your job! :slight_smile:

This is a quick list:

  1. creating wards (I detailed my own method in this thread);

  2. acquiring a spirit mentor, ideally a god, or demon, or other spiritual force who is reputed to be helpful in this area;

  3. ancestral assistance;

  4. herbal baths, oils, and floor washes for ritual cleansing of negativity;

  5. selective use of empowered objects (like crystals or herbs);

  6. candle magick to dispel negativity and draw in positive good new energies and influences;

  7. planetary talismans - Israel Regardie’s methods can be adapted to a non-Hebrew/GD framework, they work very well with Stephen Flowers’ Stoicheia system for example;

  8. shamanic journeying to your own spirit guides, and later perhaps to the Higher Self of a person who’s causing you problems, to negotiate with them (I can send you a tutorial for the first stages of learning this method, if you want it);

  9. self-discipline - stop letting people live rent-free in your head, stop letting the past get in the way of the future, and learn practical psychological methods to keep your thoughts ON the things you want, and OFF the things you don’t want - Napoleon Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich” is out of copyright & widely available online, and he talks a lot about that subject in the book, and most Science of Mind & Law of Attraction books also cover this kind of thing;

  10. hire a reputable magician/counsellor/teacher, in any area where you feel that will help.

It’s down to you - how much do you want this, how far are you getting some sort of ego validation from being victimised (it happens, especially in our screwy modern society), how hard are you willing to work to become a success?

You can start with simple books, there are many free and low-cost books and tutorials online, and once you find something that works for you, stick with it and commit to taking it as far as you can.

No-one’s perfect but if you want a better life, the tools and methods exist, but you have to be willing to make an effort. :slight_smile:

  1. shamanic journeying to your own spirit guides, and later perhaps to the Higher Self of a person who’s causing you problems, to negotiate with them (I can send you a tutorial for the first stages of learning this method, if you want it);


Lady Eva would you send it to me? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Done! :slight_smile:

Use an egg limpia to clean your aura. you will be surprised how well this works.