How to Get Results that Astound You (Sphere of Influence vs Relationship to Outcome)

So if i wan’t to write how Quick can i get a v90 cross country 800 HP. How does that even look? Still don’t master this art…

I juse all of the letters now and making it to a sigil.


Thx a lot for the tip! :slight_smile: This is awsome.

That’ll do, there’s no wrong way to do this. Though I’d phrase it as a question in the present or past tense to make the physical result a given or else it will likely just push it off into the future indefinitely.

I knew I wanted an FZ6, I phrased mine as “How did I get this AMAZING motorcycle?!”

You could just do “How did I come to own this v90 cross country?”
or “How could it be so easy to get a v90 cross country?”

“How quick can I get” will likely result in putting you in a state of intense determination to find it. It’s a subtlty that matters. Does that make sense? You’re manifesting a moment. The bike would be required to even have that moment.


Yes i think as you say there are a lot of ways this works on to push the goal.The book the secret is that good to read about this subject? My Mother have that book. :slightly_smiling_face: I will take a look at it and see. I am trying out that sigil generator Emperor linked. Cool stuff. :love_you_gesture:

I’ve been working with a grammar manual and am currently covering verbs, namely verb tenses and adjective modifiers. I was missing a point on how to properly put this info together. You just gave me the missing link - put an Intent Statement in the past in such a way that your mind has to assume it actually took place to make sense of it. Thank you for that! I’m going to put it to use now. Cheers

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It was my start. About 10 years ago I picked it up and made a list. Nearly everything on there has shown up now.

Decent principles. I’d have a great look into Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman if you want to go deeper into this.


Do you think one could make a bigger project work by dividing it into parts?
I got worked into a burnout by my employer over a few years. I was really fit before but gained a lot of weight and stopped caring about myself.

So instead of : how could it be so easy to get fit?
I could divide it into things like:
How could it be so easy to stick to healthy eating habits?
How could it feel so awesome to work out?
How could it be so easy to lose bodyfat?

Do you think that this would work better?


I also love your post too you have a lot of wisdom. Would this work for love magick ? Like “ how did so so become so in love with me?” Or is that too vague?

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That is exactly how I opperate actually.

Multiple mini results that compile rather than one all or nothing spell.

Regluar requests for that which is just out of reach, Infrequent speculative requests that are much less likely to happen, and occasionally I cast for something huge and ridiculous.

Works very very well.

Recently I dropped 53lbs doing a keto cut. I hold my weight really well so I didn’r look fat but I definitely had a Viking belly.

I did just that. Spells on overall program effectiveness, enjoying food more (so I wouldn’t get bored), and casting for more overall energy.

I’ve been a personal trainer on the side for years yet this was the easiest cut I’ve ever done. Meal prep + good program (Ultimate Diet 2.0 by Lyle McDonald is my current system) + casting for the various components to guarantee my results = Lean Norski.

It works very very well. Deconstruct a result and hit many parts of it. So much cooler than sending one spell after another at the same thing


That works quite well a lot of the time depending on if there’s some warmth to the dynamic.

I have had success in branching a relationship into a beautiful BDSM dynamic with a girl I was with using basically this wording.

I’d give it a go and see how it shows up. I’m a big fan of “how could it be so easy to…” (or “for”)

Try it on and be patient. Good luck!


Thank you so much I appreciate it !! And will do, I’ve started to do that after I read your post, even made a few new sigils with that too. One last thing, I know you mentioned burning sigils, but what about burying and forgetting about it?

I can go into my methods for sigils that I use (they’re stupidly powerful, on par with the kind of results some evocations have brought me. I choose to believe there’s more there though as to not limit either practice.) in another thread.

So I’ve hunted around (yes, I know how to use the search function…) and have I somehow missed this hypothetical thread (or could I trouble you for your methods)?

I’m dying to try this. I’m working on my questions now…

That could definitely work. Just make sure you fire it with intense conciousness (Gnosis) first

More or less, use the content in this thread for targeting (most important part) and be sure to fuse it with the emotion of experiencing your result.

The emotion is the vital substance that drives Magick.

I explained above how to make a sigil out of a word tree, crossing out the letters and redrawing it, etc

From there you can give it a profound jolt of Power with blood/sexual fluids.

You gaze at it and let the fire of intense conciousness burn it into the fabric of reality. Orgasm works great, the top of a rollercoaster would work too. Intensity is what matters.

Then you forget about it.

Very simple with some Subtlty. Take a look through my thread history. I’ve dropped hints about this whole process here and there.

The targeting is the biggest part though. That’s what this thread is about


Thank you :grin: I know exactly what I’m going to try first!

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I am going to try the car dashboard thing thats a great idea.

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This is extremely enlightening to me, I really appreciate this. I never thought of spells for what I know I would like, but am not lusting for. Thank you! :sunglasses:

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I love this.

Everything Must Be 0 Point.

When I am not casting, I am nothing.
There is active, there is passive.

When I am not active, or even when I am active, I try to be as passive as possible.

I am like the womb for the seed that I created to enter into. But it will not grow if I am suffocating it.


Any other ways to charge sigils? :thinking:
If I use blood, do I’ve to cover the whole sigil or just a drop is fine? Or maybe even less :joy:
And about putting the emotions in it, so while drawing the sigil or getting in trance?

“you gaze at it and the fire of intense conciousness burn it into the fabric of reality”

Is it like this? After getting into trance and gazing upon it with intense emotions, that you could feel after experincing the results, then wait a moment and fire it ?
Or is this wrong? Would like some help :sweat_smile:

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Any sufficiently altered state of consciousness will work so long as you get a sense of sending it power and can “know” (truly convince yourself) it’s been empowered.

Half of magick is getting around yourself. If you’re giving it blood yet doubting on some level you’re giving yourself a strange paradoxical manifestation. How do you step it up from there?

Orgasm works great, so long as you really go into it.

Other methods are really connecting with a deep jam space emotion listening to a song that elates you and “empowering” it from there with a bit of that energy

It’s very personal, yet whatever feels magickal to you will work great so long as you can go into it like it’s truly real to you. It will work. Ask yourself and go there, this is a deep secret that’s not spoken of clearly most the time yet I find it’s critical. It’s why currents that scare you work so well. True belief drives it all