How to draw blood from your own arm?

And my friend, why wouldn’t you want to use pain at any single moment? It open many doors and possibilities, as well as being a great trance method.

No single method for obtaining blood is safe. Cuts are also highly infective and if you go deep enough, you damage the tissues.
The problem with needles rely on the fact that very few people are trained to diminish the biggest nastiest risks.

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Would demons or the Dark Lords really care if the blood one uses if from their nose?


Understood, this is a great point, but people can certainly educate themselves regarding this practice so as to more efficiently let blood.

I agree completely, since you’ve read a lot of my posts, you’ll know I frequently mention this. However, the OP was talking about drawing blood from your arm, this suggests to me aversion to pain. We should keep our suggestions in alignment with what was requested.

The system does it a lot in drug dependence centres although the stigma associated is high.

Have I? i have the feeling today it is the first time I have read you, or interacted with you. You must have changed your avatar maybe.

I know, but with so many limitations, the remaining options are not risk free. I get your point though.

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My bad then, thought I saw you around some similar topics recently. I was arguing for the use of cutting or pain in ritual, since it’s used as sacrifice and a method of proving one’s resolve, thus empowering the ritual. Your Dutch friend had a problem with that and resorted to calling me names. (Assuming she’s your friend since she liked your post). I referenced the work of Raven Kaldera as a mainstream indication that I wasn’t speaking from my ass.

Here’s an interesting question, does the pain have to coincide with the method of blooding? I mean, does the pain have to be experienced from a cut for example? Or, could you use syringes to with draw blood, before or after inflicting pain on oneself in another way?

I actually keep some tarantulas, and have been bitten by a Costa Rican Tiger rump a few times, and the pain was excruciating, felt like pepper spray all over my body, for a couple of days. This could be a safer method.

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I guess this kind of defeats the purpose of using it as a means to prove resolve, dumb question, my apologies.

That is a very funny logic. Then you must be my bestie as I liked your post before. You owe me a round of drinks then.

I don’t do drama. I normally enjoy the chaos and grab some popcorn, regardless of my steem for the perpetrators.

Not really. Some women use menstrual blood, and not all of them have painful periods.

Also there is the option of using sexual fluids as apain free alternative.

Unfortunately I don’t know the risks of these type of spiders so I cannot say, but if it is risk free health wise I don’t see why not.

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Are you indirectly implying your capacity for logic is of the common variety?

Edit: What I mean to ask is, are you indirectly implying that people like posts for the same reason you do? That others are as open-minded as you? I dare say not.

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I was being sarcastic. But if you are willing to obey and comply to the round of drinks, perfect.

Edit: I could not care less to what other people do or think to be honest.


Farewell to you wise one, I am out.

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Sterile sharps are a given. When you buy diabetic lancets and needles, you get multiples. I also clearly recommended getting refills above.

Not only should you only use sterile needles once, you also want to dispose of your sharps in a safe way.

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Despite that, some people feel tempted to use needles repeatedly.

Well yes, but every country has got their own legislation for sharps.


I can’t be responsible for other people’s stupidity.

If someone needs that much handholding and needs all their decisions made for them, maybe magick isn’t for them.

Google is their friend, everybody on here can DAFS and find the necessary information.

If they can’t even do that, maybe they should reconsider cutting themselves open with sharp objects and drawing blood to give to demonic forces.

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Now let’s get back to useful information that actually helps others on the board:

For everybody else, do magick but be safe.

If you don’t know how to do bloodwork, HIRE A PHLEBOTOMIST.

There are many places you can find them. Temporary nursing agencies, medical schools, even hospitals. Ask for someone who can draw blood for you. If bad comes to worse, go to a blood donation clinic and ask them to draw an extra vial for you to keep ‘for religious purposes’ or ‘because you want to make jewellery out of it.’ You don’t have to be the one to draw your blood - you can hire a(n aspiring) professional to do it for you.

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