How to create Servitors Fastest way?

Can I immagine them coming out of me form them feel them give them command through my will power is it enough? I want to make a Legion of Spirits that follow me

Read ‘Magickal Servitors’ by Damon Brand.

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have it :slight_smile:

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I would would draw a picture or sigil, give it a name, and energy, write a pact tell them they are signed on, and keep feeding them.

Also turn the pacts or commands into a sigil.

Wow I really started second guessing myself over the years to the point where I bought the Damon Brand book too.

What I did was enough to create poltergeist activity every now and again, Well I did give it energy about 8-12 hours a day, enhanced the image until it looked like a photo, and send energy to it with that image glued to an amethyst heart.

In fact I am book marking my own post to remind myself how real though forms are done.
I also worked on this tf for years.

Oh plus a few other things but it’s already getting personal.


Try this:

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