How to contact ND Blackwood

Is there a way i can contact ND Blackwood? I essentially just want to know if its possible to book the dark gift ritual by him without buying the book and course because i already got the book.

Would really appreciate help on this

You could try pming him or tagging him @N.D_Blackwood or using the help desk on the main balg website. It looks like it’s been a bit since he logged in though.

I’m not sure if he has social media or any of that jazz.

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i see thank you, i pmed him but i might also use the help desk not rly sure if i should spam him that much

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Well the help desk will go to whoever is in charge of that with balg and not specifically Nd, so they probably have a good way to reach him.

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then imma attempt that really fast

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Yeah idk what the wait time is but it’s probably the most direct route unless someone has info for an email or social media account that he uses.

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