How to contact Lucifer

Meditate with this chant. Lucifer · Enn Meditation Chant [Also Prometheus, Luxferro, Sol Invictus] - YouTube

He’ll turn up pretty quickly. All you need to do is speak to him from your heart whilst this chant is playing. Then trust.


Yep, you can talk to Lucifer at any time, he really doesn’t seem to mind. He has projected intense feelings of raw love at me when I was just walking by his sigil I had left on the table from earlier. Here is what I often do : go to your bedroom or somewhere you won’t be bothered, close the door ( I generally bring my open and activated sigil of Lucifer, but you can just imagine it). Facing East (as he is the Morning Star), I bow and say (aloud if alone, mentally if someone is within hearing distance) “Crown Prince Lucifer, I respectfully request your presence, hear my call and come to me, I invite you to come to me in this space and join me, Lucifer come and be here” or something like that, say a respectful invitation that is personal and feels right to you. I then sit in a comfy position, gaze at the sigil which I charged a long time ago and have had, and repeat his enn ( words of respect, calling, and invitation to a demon. Here’s Crown Prince Lucifer’s) “Renich Tasa Uberraca Biasa Icar Lucifer”. I do this for a few minutes, sometimes I feel his presence, sometimes I get a sense of “that should be good”, sometimes I feel nothing, just know that he always comes when called and always tells the truth. He is a good spirit to work with, he is light and love.

Get all of the evil and devil shit you’ve probably heard all your life outta your head ( he’s also not Satan, 2 different Crown Princes and beings entirely, plus lots of entities have identified as Satan during the eons and lots of entities have a Satan aspect). Even if you haven’t made and activated/opened/charged a sigil, which you should, just envision it as closely as possible, but the most important thing is to call to him in a way that is respectful and that you genuinely want him to show up. Lucifer will pick up on this and gladly come and hear what you have to say, and don’t be surprised if he gives you a “thought injection” as a message ( which will always be truthful, whether it’s an ugly truth or a good one, Lucifer always tells the truth). He is a great guy and you should definitely communicate with him and get to know him. Introduce yourself, tell him why you called and tell him you genuinely want a stronger connection and good relationship with him. If you are genuine ( he always speaks the truth, show him the same courtesy and remember that you are in the presence of royalty, so address and treat him as such but do NOT grovel ) he will find ways to strengthen your bond and relationship. I would ask him to help me with this, since he’s already there, and in developing my astral senses ( you’ll still have to do the work, but he can leave you all kinds of spiritual breadcrumbs about what to do and where to look.

The fact that people are here on this forum and site you were led to, answering your questions, could be the work of Lucifer. I may be typing this because he is leading me to and I don’t even know it. Daemons do lots of stuff like that. Hope this helps, stick with it and talk to him every day ( I’ve been slacking in my occult workings lately, so they might also be leading me to type this to remind me to get back to work and help you at the same time, see how it works?). Good luck ~ Cthulhu


does it really work

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Yes it does for me. Never fails.


im alchemist tha god im 26 im a new believer in the light well I guess im here cause I wanna know how to speak and communicate with LUCIFER (GOD) that I can finally feel complete and whole

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Welcome @alchemistthagod. Please properly introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

I would highly advise against looking at demons as gods. As Gordon Winterfield wrote ( look up Gallery of Magick, in the FAQ section on the book Demons of Magick. Theirs is a good, effective, working system )," when you start to look at a demon as some kind of god, the demon will pick up this, revel in it, and run with it, acting the part". You may find yourself in a position where the demon benefits the most and you benefit very little". He goes on to say that calling in the angelic emissaries during evocation is for your benefit, that demons exist within a heirarchy ( which they don’t resent, and they don’t rebel against angels during ritual ) and the angels don’t bully the demons, they strengthen the magick and results you want, make sure you get the demon you want ( sans tricksters and “hitch hikers” ) and, without the steps they (GOM ) have put in place, you may find that you have evoked a watered down and rebellious aspect of the demon. Always close the doors behind you, unless you want any old spirit, maybe something dark/chaotic/malicious wandering in at some point



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@Man1 I know, right? Lots of people say “oh, demons don’t like to be dismissed”. You aren’t actually dismissing them, like a command ( never think you can command a demon ), you are licensing them to return to where they belong. I always tell spirits like Crown Prince Lucifer, Marquise Orias, King Paimon , and other spirits that they are free to hang around as long as they want and they are welcome with me any time


Can i really make a deal with devil without any rituals

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I mean, it’s not exactly “the devil”. But you could use some symbolic kind of rituals only, yes.

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Hi @Weed_KhaLiFa,

Welcome to our forum. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

  1. Give us “The forum members” an introduction. It doesn’t have to be your life history but we do like to know a little bit about the people we talk to. Tell us things like what brought you here, how long you have practiced and what you practice. Your age would be helpful as it helps us craft appropriate responses.

  2. At the top right of the screen is a “Search Function”. A lot of the information you seek can be found there. Please use it. If you can’t find the answer there then feel free to ask questions or create a topic.

  3. If you create a topic and your not getting responses as quick as you would like, DON’T create another topic, you may need to just re-work what you already written. It could just be as simple as a catchy title to fix the problem or just give it time. This forum is worldwide so you may have to wait a bit.

  4. Please be courteous. There are many views and opinions expressed here. Some may fit your point of view and some may not. Respect is key to having a long and happy relationship with the forum members.

I hope you found this information helpful and look forward to hearing what you have to share.


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Firstly, there is no such thing as “the devil” ( i.e. some force of supreme evil ). Second, soul selling has pretty much been debunked ( in the ways most people think. What would a powerful King, Marquise, various noble and regal beings want with it anyway). Actual soul selling is that, whatever you do ( religious/secular/spiritual/etc…), you will always find yourself attracted back to that spirit


You don’t need tools. I’ve heard through others that enn’s are annoying to infernals also. Lucifer is always listening no matter what method you try.
If he embraces you with his presence, give him the respect he deserves as he has given you his time, by giving your time to him.
If by chance, you feel he is not there, then he is tending to other matters and you should try again later.
But don’t doubt for a second that he can’t hear you.
It takes practice, willpower, and fine tuned senses through meditation to truly feel his power.
Good luck and dark blessings.


I am also curious to this topic. Honestly I feel that the name Lucifer is a bad translation do to Jerome.
It is s also interesting that people claim to have evoked and invoked such an entity. I would love to learn more.

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Hi…My name is ADU-POKU,from Ghana.23 years of age and I really want to work with Lucifer and clauneck.I joined a few minutes ago.

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@PROMZY Hi, please make a new post in the “New Magician Help & Introduction” category and tell us about yourself. For example, some personal info you want to share (name, where you’re from, etc.), any experience you may have with magic, your goals when it comes to magic, sectors of magic you’re interested in and anything else you want to share. Please do that as soon as possible, for it’s one of our forum rules.

As for Lucifer, use the forum search function to find more info about him. There’s already much info about him on the forum.

Is it possible to write a letter for him? Possibly could I write one and leave it by my bedside?

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I’ve answered to your thread, so you can check that out :slight_smile:

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@anon34967090 Yep, it’s called a petition spell and they’ve been used for thousands of years. As with any petition to any entity it should be worded very carefully and be a sincere desire. You can petition them for anything, it can even be a base or greedy desire, but it has to be sincere. If you want something, face that feeling of lack and want and push that emotional energy into your petition. Let us know how it goes. Oh yeah, you also need some kind of conduit for your desire to reach you if it’s a physical object. Physical things need a way to come into your life and if you sit at home, waiting for it to drop into your lap, you’re gonna be waiting a while :wink: