How do you contact a god or whatever when there’s no sigil, player or hymn?
And I’m talking about entities from pre biblical times, so there’s almost no info about them.
I would use the entities name in the writing by which it was known if possible.
Sumerian? Cuneiform. (Again, if possible…)
Also, with what you do know, come up with some kind of invocation to call on the entity.
List it’s qualities, epithets, reference it’s stories and lore, etc.
The easiest way is simply to create a sigil by tracing the name of the entity upon a sigil generator.
You can also ask a gateway spirit to either take you to the entity or to bring the entity to you. The archangel Raziel, the Greek goddess Hecate, and the modern egregore Lucifer have all been used in this capacity by magicians to contact other beings for which there is no seal available.
So a traditional way of invocation but somehow adapted to the entity’s nature?
Perhaps the list of qualities, references, stories + visualization can result in something similar to a pathworking
Any kind of sigil generator can work?
Any kind of generator will work. Use the one that produces the most appealing seal.
That’s very insightful, thank u very much!
I’m thinking about asking Hekate because I want to contact a Cretan Goddess and because of the proximity of the pantheon, she (Hekate) may be the closest one.
Hecate is a good choice. She guided me to the underworld goddess Ereshkigal.
There is info out there for some pre-biblical deities, you just have to dig for it.
Wikipedia has limited information, but look to the references. Not all but plenty of books listed there are free to the public, written long ago enough that they are no longer under copyright. Some might have some outdated information, ideas obsolete because of even newer discoveries, but at least it’s a start.
Most newer information is locked behind expensive scholarly works, but some universities can be accommodating with material like this.
Not all deities will have a whole lot of information, but some have just enough that they will come when you try to connect with them, even using some very basic imagery or things which were sacred to them.
After connecting with a deity, it becomes much easier to connect with others of the same pantheon.
To add something else to the above, if you can already connect with some spirits, demons, deities, it helps substantially to ask one who specializes in knowledge to help guide you to what you’re looking for.
Using their chants.
Using art/painting as a doorway to them
Reading their stories, meditating/pathworking with them.
This is excellent advice and I like how you phrased it as a “doorway”
A lot of art will suffice but if you can find any depictions of them from the era when they were worshiped, those can be exceptionally potent.
This part isn’t necessary to connect with an old deity, but if you can, in the flesh, visit a museum and see artefacts depicting ancient deities with your own eyes, you can really tap into some powerful connections.
If such visits are not possible, many museums have digital galleries. These are hardly the only two, but The British Museum and Penn Museum both have excellent digital archives for this.
Well, creating your own evocative system would be what I would do in my opinion, based on historical facts, language, folklore, etc… use the same thing that the ancients used, for example, the Greeks prayed in their name, and it is very common to see there are altars of Egyptian gods in which faith is the main factor in creating this connection, do not get attached to seals or sigils, but to faith as generally these gods or entities are contacted through prayer rites, for example
You can also create a sigil based on planetary magic squares, for example Aphrodite, which deals with beauty and sensuality, would theoretically be in the sphere of Venus, so with your name you could use the squares to draw a sigil.
sorry I marked it by accident
It depends on the culture.
In Mesopotamia, there were strong beliefs that the deities were connected to the stars and that they could also impart portions of themselves into objects. Statues and cylinder seals* especially. Stones/crystals were believed to have been living things which were particularly receptive to the gods.
I have personally long since taken a similar approach. Not quite the same as I have not made my own cylinder seal (I’d like to, but don’t have stone cutting tools), but it’s been effective nonetheless. Carnelian and particularly Lapis Lazuli were sacred to Inanna — she is highly receptive to imparting her power when Venus (her wandering star) is in Leo — a constellation which actually represents her winged lioness, another animal sacred to her. Connecting to her like this, the power that can be felt every year when Venus is in Leo is something else!
*these kinds of seals were made out of stone, cylindrical in shape, and used to impart a “signature” of sorts by rolling them into clay. Most of them depict the person who owned the seal interacting with their patron deity. Figured I’d clarify this since “seal” has a totally different association in magick
“Consorting with Spirits” by Jason Miller may be helpful. If that isn’t something that interests you, I have a way of making sigils that I think works pretty well. I collect small items that symbolize what I am trying to achieve or the entity I’m trying to contact. I find them outside when I am walking sometimes or buy them if I have something specific in mind. Then I meditate for a while, and finally, with my eyes closed, I take the items and place them on a piece of paper, thinking about my goal. When I feel that I am done, I open my eyes and trace the shapes of the items to make a sigil. The result that I get is personal and more pleasing to me than any of the other methods that I’ve seen for making sigils.
Hello DarkestKnight
I have seen this old post in which you say that we can invoke entities requesting the intervention of Lucifer, Hecate or Raziel…
Could you briefly describe how you ask them for their intervention? I wouldn’t know what to say.
Is it necessary to already have a previous relationship to request this intervention???
I generally use pathworking to make contact with Raziel and then ask her to take me to the spirit I want to talk to. It’s usually as simple as saying, “Raziel, I ask you to please take me to Belial.”
I have also used shamanic journeying to go to the spirit directly.
No, you don’t need a prior relationship.
And using the pathworking method…once you called Raziel, you must do the Belial’s pathworking later or does she take you to a different experience ??
I do all my evoking in my mind I just say the eninity name into they pop up and I have a lock in there engery and just do a channeling