How to connect and get advice from our higher self?

How to simply connect to our higher selves?


I use the technique of shamanic journeying.


I use this meditation.


Iā€™m using magical chants from VK Jehannum website,very powerful,very successful,if you are able to sense spirits you will feel the presence of your higher self immediately after repeating this magical chants over and over again.


I find the idea of the ā€˜higher selfā€™ is a limiting and outdated paradigm that doesnā€™t check out long run for any real progress beyond basic levels of advancement. I find it is easier to view it as just another aspect of your mind like the subconscious. You donā€™t actively know what it is up to but the subconscious is always taking in and processing information and running bodily functions and it is possible to talk to and influence the subconscious in various ways. The higher self idea is just another aspect of the mind that is connected to the part of our dimensional being that exists outside of standard time and space and works with the subconscious to manage the higher level nonphysical components of the mind and body and storing information and data relative to that. So you can draw from any work on talking to and communicating with the subconscious and apply it to the other mind.

As part of the mind you can influence it through means such as hypnosis, self conversation, imagination, or simply talking to your own mind such as how some people advise learning to dowse with pendulums.


Subconscious or Unconscious?

Thereā€™s a distinct differencw Iā€™m pondering whether is more powerful to the awarer and why

Left vs right brain, angel vs demon, etc. Or simply known vs unknown

To me they are interchangeable it is merely a matter of state awareness. Unconscious can be seen as states where you donā€™t have recollection from easily in my mind. Those borders can be dissolved however and all aspects of the mind communicated with in relatively the same way with some consideration to their specific functions.

They function differently under the hood though. Itā€™s like comparing different programing within a server. All of it is ā€œserver sideā€ if youā€™re the client. If youā€™re doing admin work youā€™ll do different things depending on if itā€™s database or OS management

Not to be pedantic, mostly curious of your model. Sub and super consciousness function as different as night and day yet most could call it all ā€œunconscious mindā€ a lot of the time

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Think of it like this. You have the computer which is your conscious mind, you have the system manager that runs and monitors all the programs and can terminate or stop them or enable them as the subconscious, then you have command prompt as the super conscious which can use any command and do all kinds of nifty things like write and execute new code., then finally a server with a network connection to other servers around it as the rest of the multiverse that the cmd can access and execute code to affect or hack to gain authority. That is more the model I run with.


Hi Norski, i had some questions about love magick that iā€™d love your insights on. is there any way i could contact you? Like dm or something? thanks :slight_smile:

Iā€™m working with qualified hypnotherapists to do Spirit Releasement Therapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Age Regression/Progression sessions to reach my High Self.

Iā€™ve been told by a number of Timeline and regression hypnotists that releasement and regression techniques automatically open and clear psychic centers, and that miracles or rapid healing are a byproduct of doing these techniques.

Time will tell if this turns out to be the case.

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I am qualified as a clinical hypnotherapist. Personally Iā€™ve not heard this or seen any indication that this is the case. However, I suppose if psychic abilities are being inhibited by some specific trauma or limiting belief, these methods could be used to address those.

I wouldnā€™t use the term miracles myself, as this implies something that defies explanation. Certainly very fast and impressive inner healing can come about from these approaches. Iā€™ve actually found myself quite stunned a few times by how effective these approaches can be, in particular for trauma and phobias (the scope is much wider than just these of course).

Iā€™m deeply interested in hypnotherapy and Iā€™ve studied Eriksonian hypnosis for several years. Iā€™m curious what your take on NLP is and how optional the notion of a formal trance setting is when running process language

What do you find to be the limit of eliciting physical response when the body is in a different state? Even if one is physically limited yet fully believes what theyā€™re experiencing, do you find that to be superior to a robust internal experience with a sense of ā€œI canā€™t do this wellā€¦ā€?

It all pertains to magick. There arenā€™t many who connect the dots with these two practices so I want to pick your brain a bit

Itā€™s been 20 days since you were last seen, Iā€™m trying my luck in case you come back.
How to get the rapture state, tunnel vision. Can you publish this under a title called tutorial text?
My other question is how do we do the technique you mentioned here?
" *Instead of projecting into his sigil, Satan indicated I should project into him. He was about 3 feet in the air above me, to my center. I projected my consciousness through the portal like opening he provided.

*I found myself in an almost completely dark landscape. There was a sort of light at the horizon, but this was to show the contrast, not illumination.ā€