How many demons are there?

Is the number infinite, I Kno about the loa and the goetic spirits, along with the ones in evocation work book.

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About 117 known. Countless more throughout whos names are not known


sorry had to edit the title. honestly thought that would have been a badge.
but yes there are infinite demons.
infinite spirits in general

Wow, so I’m assuming their are ones stronger than Azazel

Or arihman

The Loa are technically ancestor spirits and not exactly demonic, they’re more necromantic.

Technically there are billions if not plausibly infinite spirits. If the universe has boundaries, the spirits sure don’t.

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There are ones far stronger than those, the goetics, and others.

What about a demon that can shoot energy blasts like from dragon Ball z? Soon you say no boundaries, my mind goes all out

This is a long video, no offense

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Wait I rather read then watch something, I’d like it if you don’t mind

The true amount of demons seem almost infinite, asking how many there are is like asking, how many cells are there in the universe.


Their are 91.3 septillion cells in the universe

Yayy thanks!

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Maybe it’s a stupid idea, but would it be completely impossible to ask someone write a list here (maybe with a topic of its own) which Goetia spirits are feminine? I think it would be help a lot of people. I know now, that during the time Goetia was written, a female demon was practically impossible idea to have. Anyone?

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I once thought they were billions… which is possible; maybe fewer, or even more. Surely there are the 72 plus their legions (so each number given in the Lemegeton multiplied by a quantity greater than 2), plus other grimoire’s Demons and also those of Persia, Hinduism etc.

Lol, who can really say? Just when I start thinking I have a good grasp of any spiritual concept something always comes up to compel me to question it. My opinion? There is not an infinite number of spirits or energies. Infinity is ephemeral; it is just the best words we can use to describe mind-numbing strings of questions for which we do not yet have answers for. So far there are many things which have been perceived as infinite. Time. The universe. Well, the concept of time is being toyed with by science and we can all but prove the universe has some kind of boundary by our understanding of physics. I feel there has to be some kind of source, but I am not convinced it is possessed of any kind of self aware intelligence. Weird shit, though.

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we keep making more of them… infinite.


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every true master creates an entity to throw their shadow into so they can discard either their light or darkness and rise as a god of either elemental construct(light or dark)…but not both. that would require multiple bound demons…

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