How many are CURRENTLY working with Lilith?

I’m curious, have you had any negative experiences with her?

As a Mother is very loving and protective. I do Qliphothic workings. She appears to me beautiful, lovely with curly long black hair.


As long as you haven’t made a pact with the other spirits to not work with anyone else, you’re probably good. But if you’re wanting to make sure just ask the other 2 before making contact with Lilith. However, the fact that she’s calling you is a good sign that she wants to commune with you. I usually write down the spirits name that contact me out of the blue and then get back with them as soon as I’m able.

As for info, there’s a lot of good and bad info on her. I have a lot of personal gnosis that I can’t really share at the moment until I’m done with a few things. First, the easiest is to use the search function and exhaust every thing about Lilith on there and take notes. YouTube is another place to get some decent information but like with anything, you can’t just accept every piece of information as fact. That you can verify with Lilith herself.

Some good books on her are by Asenath Mason “Lilith: the Dark Feminine” and the “Draconian Ritual Book”. From there just look around, a lot of good gnosis out there on her. The website “demons and demonolatry” maintained by SaS has some good correspondences and so does “black witch coven” ran by Savanna.


I actually use NASA “moon sounds”. It’s very haunting even at low volume levels. I’ve also use Peter Gundry musical compositions from YouTube. He’s very easy to find even if you’re not looking for him. Just search “dark instrumental music”. I’ve also experimented with “dark binaural beats” and just “droning sounds”. Guarantee you that you’ll find something with those search categories.


I may have caused some confusion with this “did their first invocation/evocation with her…” I actually didn’t mean for it to be taken as the very first evocation or invocation they’ve ever done. I would absolutely agree with you that she’s very complex and might be way too much for a beginner in magick. I would absolutely stay away from the Qliphothic piece until a person’s spiritual chops are up to par. What I actually meant was if they’v never contacted her before but were thinking about doing it soon. Tapping into just her motherly aspect or even the feminine is much more safer. Although I’ve honestly never felt threatened by her even with her visually “testing” me.

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I would dig back deeper to Mesopotamia. She has taken on many deific masks. But a good clue would be to look up “wind demons”, Lamashtu, and Lilitu. Look into Inanna and “Inanna’s Hand”.


She’s always appeared to me with either damp stringy (not saying it in a bad way) blonde hair or wavy red hair. Usually petite but curvy. Never clothed besides her hair draped over her breasts. Sometimes covered in blood and sometimes looks like she just got out of the shower. She has appeared to me as a beautiful black eyed female in her late 20’s, she has also appeared humanoid but with snake eyes, fangs, and tongue. The most frightening way she has appeared to me as a human preying mantis that rips the heads off of men.

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thank you yes i have some of peter Gundry music

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Interesting! I’ve never seen her covered in blood during a ritual. But I did ask her why some folks are so afraid of her. She flashed a lot of images in my head and yes, one was similar to a preying mantis. Also as a fire spiting snake, an old very scary woman with pieces of skin missing. She is beautiful. To me she looks ageless and a mix of wisdom and sensuality. When I work with a new spirit I usually run it by her and she stays in the background. She also encouraged me to make a pact with Samael, when some shadow issues popped up that I had no idea where there. It also pissed her of a bit, when I feel her energy and say, hi Mum :joy:
But by now she’s used to it. I think the longer you’re connected to a deity, the more they start to understand our sense of humor. She actually once said right in my head, you are joking my demon daughter. Did you notice she never uses contractions when she talks? No don’t or can’t, it’s always do not, cannot. :smiley:

I disagree with the "this spirit isn’t for beginners theory that some people have. Regardless of whether or not a spirit is “beginner friendly” is irrelevant. If you’re being called it’s because they want to work with you on something specific or are going to be part of your lifetime team. Lilith is very complicated. Loving and fierce, gentle and a storm unto herself, sexual and comforting all the same. She can be rough, and working with her can hurt. Not because she WANTS to hurt you, but because dealing with the subconscious and buried pain is rarely fun.

I’ve seen her in a few forms. For me it’s more about the message she’s trying to send in the moment. She usually has red or dark brown/black hair. She is playful, flirtatious, joyful, wise, terrifying, protective, and everything in between. If she calls to you reach out.


That’s how I have seen her, I do remember the long black hair…

As a child I was visited by her, in a dream I was standing in a dark forest at the side of a dirt road, behind me all the forest was full of dark powerful animalistic chattering voices, I knew if they had a chance they would kill me, but they couldn’t and I knew that. I was waiting patiently then I seen a beautiful ornate funeral carriage pulled by wild black horses, approach. It stopped door opened and sitting there was a half dead woman, with black hair…I know it sounds weird but she was so beautiful even tho she was half dead…I remember her looking at me studying me, smiling mischiefly, I felt so much love. Power, She told me that we much to discuss and things that I should know. Then she beckoned me into the carriage, to sit. I remember the door shutting, and her talking and us having conversations…but the exact nature of the conversations I cannot remember…
All I know is I have felt this lady’s presence throughout my life, watching, protecting looking after me. I have never experienced her wrath, but I know, sense and at times seen when people over the years have tryed to attack me, what she is capable of, and it is scary…


I agree

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For some inexplicable reason, she likes me.

She is kind, sensual, and full of love, but the kind of love that is so deep it is terrifying.

I have worked with her and will do so again. She holds a special place in my soul, a place she touched by simply being who she is. She is one of only a handful of spirits i have given offerings to, and sometimes i feel her smiling at me when i speak her name.


She is amazing, I have tryed to work out who she is HEL, LILITH, SANTA MUERTE, HECATE?..I have given up worrying now, she is all of them.


Don’t see her as the same entity as Hecate :joy:
I like them both and work with Hecate too, but they aren’t the same deity.

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I am still wondering why I still think about her a lot… a truly special Goddess…


Once she’s shown you a lot of her facets you can’t help but love her. I’m sure even after 14 years there a still facets to her I haven’t seen, I trust her with my life, literally. :blush:


For some unknown reason I see all all these aspects as part of the same entity…

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Maybe that’s how they appear to you? It surprises me. I used to work with Hecate a lot and still do sometimes before Lilith picked my up. I evoked both Lilith and Hecate on the Blood Moon. Their energies are very different to me.

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