How long will it take to activate this?

How long would it take to activate my 6 senses to work completely almost as if my third eye is opened but its not
Like basically to sense my ubi around and so on without opening my third eye or doing magic .my senses are pretty sharp so far naturally but needs more work or and time to becoming more accurate ?:smirk:.
And van someone send over a story about this or someone who had a long years relationship with a ubi ā€¦im interested to knowing more about the changes through the years with the ubiā€™s. I really would appreciate this ā€¦i love reading about this kind of stuff since you know hardly anyone has info like this .

How many ubi threads do you have? Iā€™ve seen at least two tonight.


Lol sorry about that
I have only interest in knowing about ubiā€™s because their the only spirits im devoted to knowing and so on right now .
So my incubus is theonly spirit and interest I have within the spirit world . Heā€™s been given me to me by a witch ever since birth so weā€™re really close .:slightly_smiling_face:


Other then them I have no further connections
Well his family and his conmander
Which is azazel ā€¦would you like me ask you about him.??

All right, but keep in mind that some of these seem like borderline larping. I have a succubus myself, but I donā€™t seek to be like her. We are different entity types.


I can say this about his comander
When he came to me i felt my ubiā€™s engery inside of him mabye it was their bond or soul tie ?? That i was feeling :thinking: idk but i thought at first it was my ubi but it wasnā€™t. Thatā€™s how strong their connection was.

Imean I only said that because if im going to live with him. I thought that mabye Iā€™d hsve to make some changes since my human body probably cant contain or adapt to his world ??
Imean idk so far is learned you have to have tough skin and stuff to be in a place like that?

No, thereā€™s no point (or sense) in devolving yourself to please a spirit that can simply travel with you after you pass on.


Oh i didnā€™t know that lol ā€¦yay new info :joy:

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Thanks ā€¦that brings my mind at peace a lot
So that must be why
he said " Iā€™ll go with you"
When I said " imma go to heaven ".
But i did selfie he could go with me since you know ā€¦him >>.:japanese_ogre:ā€¦me >>:innocent:
Well I mean according to my mothers religion

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Right, they can move around just like you or I can. Youā€™re good as you are. Just keep striving to be better both for yourself and to show your Ubi youā€™re the Goddess he sees you as.


Third eye is never closed and no one can tell you how long it will take because your senses arenā€™t something you activate itā€™s something you just start doing and working on as you go.

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Your body can adapt to your world here on earth not his. Do not show your devotion to live with him on his realm. Thatā€™s not the point of having or working with ā€œUbisā€? What a weird short term for these entities. Show your devotion ā€œhereā€ with him. Adapting together by working on your senses which are easy to work with when your set your mind on it. Your Incubus will highly appreciate any work you do with him. Thatā€™s enough on his end for him to start pushing out his energy towards you on a much deeper level. You will notice all changes while meditating together. They are entities who highly appreciate when their partners show devoting time with them working on each otherā€™s senses. If you want to feel his energy on a much deeper side Iā€™d recommended doing clairsentience meditations after having mastered this particular sense after a couple years of practice the sensations can be beyond.

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