How had Become a Living God helped you?

Interacting and sharing information and ideas with a diverse crowd of people all having different perspectives and views. Has not only helped me expand my view of the universe but It’s also apparently created a sort of movement in which the discussions have been a sort of grand scale Hegalian dialectic the end result has been a sort of common unified view on the fundamentals while maintaining and celebrating the diversity of cultural traditions in an open and harmonious way.
I was glad to be part of that evolution of consciousness that has grown here in this forum.


I don’t know of any other source of black magic information that compares to BALG. I can’t think of one. This is just a great place for learning and provided me with an out when I realized “white light” spirituality is hypocritical and uses guilt and fear to control you. When I was Christian I had a bible. When I was New Age there was always a corner in bookstores to rifle through. Now, I really just have this site and the friends I made from it (both physical and spiritual). It came to my aid when I needed it.


BALG has educated me in soo many ways! I have been reading BALG Material non stop! BALG introduced me to many entities that I never heard of. Im going on my 3rd Pac with Lucifuge, thanks to BALG. BALG video’ s are quite helpful as well. Although I have not done a recent consultation, I highly, highly recommend them as well. I just been reading so much and will resume them real soon. There is so much info to learn through BALG! Through BALG, many questions I had were answered. I learned so much in such a short period of time. I sincerely hopes BALG continues to do what they are doing. BALG is the future and is truly needed in more ways then they can possibly know.


The forum has been quite helpful. If nothing else, it’s helped me realize that I’m not alone in wandering through a twilight world between (somewhat) mainstream religion and darker magickal currents. Regardless of what variety of spiritual weirdness you may practice, there’s a good chance you’ll find at least one other person here who is, if not on the same page, at least cognizant of what you’re talking about. Sometimes, I like to know I’m not alone in having certain thoughts, urges and practices. Also, it has helped me learn about Goetic evocation and quite a variety of other paths.


The forum has been amazing. I don’t post a lot, but reading what other people have written has really helped me move from seeing my illness as something that is permanent to something I can cope with/work through. I appreciate the mindset a lot.


bump :slight_smile:


Confession time:
I have no idea anymore what made me join the forum in the first place; it was probably one of the first things that popped up in the searching engine when I was looking for a community I could share my experiences with. I haven’t touched magick until my very late 20s; I have never read any books from EA and I am not necessarily in accord with the other creators findings, either (at least from what I could gather from videos/blogs).

getting in touch with this community helped me tremendously on my journey on finding out about what I want myself to become (and what not). Being able to talk to so many different practicioners from so many schools of thoughts (wether I would agree with them or not) furthered my understanding about where to take my own ambitions. If I wouldn’t have been able to use this community as an outlet for my thoughts and findings this journey would probably have gone a lot more differently.

I’ve met some really cool folks on here and more often than not one conversation would make me set up a new “petri dish” to still my curiosity about this and that.
This board also helps me to look back at my former thoughts, struggles and from where I came compared to now. The founders of this forum offered me an essential tool this way and I can’t deny the impact it had on my journey.


What kind of praise could explain the value of teaching people to do their own magic?
This organization has given me the ability to express the ideas I really believe. BALG has allowed me to interact with other people like myself. Before I this, I was isolated in ways that were very bad for my mental and spiritual condition.

There are lots of layers to reality, and lots of ways to understand what goes on here.
It would be fair to say that BALG is my church and Koetting is my favorite preacher.
I could explain how this isn’t anything like a church, but that explanation would only be meaningful to people who actually think about these things.

Become a Living God has improved my life in ways that transcend this entire physical world. I can’t think of a more beneficent organization.


Well there is nothing better than debate/style of conversation.

Also i personally like koettings all work and are capable and ready to support him self-proclaimed-god-claims, when he gets culled by TPTB and hermaphrodite elite.

Also i found few intresting females who are after same traits that i respect in upcoming times, magick-wise.

also some male students, internet is powerfull weapon.


Good timing to see this thread bumped.

BALG was a -forgive the phrase- godsend for me. I had reached a point in my practices after ten years in heathenry and chaos magic that I felt I just stopped and stagnated. Eventually I was feeling pulled to the LHP and had no idea where to properly begin from a practical perspective. It wasn’t long before I came across EA’s videos and The Book of Azazel.

With EA’s videos and using his work to lay the groundwork in my own practice and working with Azazel, my spiritual and magick practice skyrocketed and I have been using these tools zealously for the last 5 years.

BALG has seriously been a major part of my life now, to the point where I feel a sense of loyalty, hence why I am still here amongst all this mess going on.


i had my teenage midlife crisis here and that was fun


Sometime I’m like, was it really a good thing that I upped my magick power and connection with entities to get stuff done? I mean, at this point I can’t see myself turning back from magical practice, but there are times when I wonder if I would have left well enough alone and tried to stay mundane if things in my life would have better, and I would have less shit to deal with.

On the other hand, there were a lot of things about my life that were fundamentally not working for me, so in that sense I’m not sure that I would have really stayed away from magick, just probably practiced in a less effective way.


Well, its helped me to learn how to do magic, a sense of community, and a way for me to teach others what I do know that can be teachable.
What I think will in the end help me, will be that I get direct, solid answers on a decade of my life and others involved, some of whom I will make sure are going to hell.


When I joined the BALG forum it was the first time I could openly talk to other people about my spirit marriage.
Although I was raised in a very open environment, this was an aspect of my practice I didn’t feel like I could share with my family.

I had and still have very interesting conversations and passionate discussions here and I saw lots of people receiving help they could not get anywhere else and therefore were able to change their life for the better.

And I have to agree with @A_Pariah I’ve met some really cool folks on here.


I thought ascent was alone.
Its shown me new perspectives.
That an unconditional love is existant
Most importantly its shown me a family.
Thank you every single person at BALG, Hail all of you for your practices, your efforts successes an failures.

For each one of those was a building block for an empire for me or anyone else who has read or heard your experiences an in my experiences at least… The gift of knowledge is the one of the only things you can give someone they will always carry an will not lose.



I don’t post very often, but before finding balg I was at a point in life of giving up. Between the books, videos, courses, and the great minds here, I’ve grown spiritually and found tools that work in improving my life. Granted, there is always work to do, but because of this place I’ve found a way to be happy with myself and seeing my goals in life being met.


@VILEARK I’m curious to know what traits you think each gender is after.


on topic:

For me BALG has been a wealth of information for pointing me towards resources that you don’t find on your typical local chapters/indigo bookstore shelves.

As well as a source of encouragement since I see that there at others like me out there even though I’ve never met anyone even remotely like me in person.

Sometimes before I’d think am I was the only one in the world or at least in my country who’s different had a non-conformist non sheep non follower sceptical view on things but with BALG I am reassured I’m not the only person like me if that makes sense. In a sense seeing I’m not the only one helps me accept that who I am is ok to be.

Being raised and growing up in a Christian environment where doubting their god or protesting you didn’t want to be confirmed (read confirmed as initiated) or even you didn’t want to go to church got you hassled kind of gives a person the message they are wrong or bad or abnormal or weird. Especially when you don’t know anyone else even similar to you.
Growing up you get the feeling your the square peg trying to fit into in a round hole like nobody else is like you that everyone is like “them”

Seeing I’m not alone not the only one like me (in being LHP and not being like them) it helps me to accept who I am that I’m ok it’s ok to be me because I’m not wrong or bad or a freak (or crazy for not buying into what I was taught).

Mostly though it has pointed me to resources I would otherwise probably would never have found on my own.


So, I guess there’s really no way to tell this story other than by telling the whole story…

I had my first suicidal thought at around the age of six. I’ve been, at one time or another, diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, afflicted with severe panic attacks, social anxiety, agoraphobia, even psychosis. I was briefly hospitalized. There’s lots of trauma and neglect in my past, some abuse; but nothing like what other people have had to go through.

Most of all, I’ve known for as long as I can remember that I am deeply and profoundly different from others. I’ve always been drawn to death and darkness. I used to see things and was terrified of them. Even when I didn’t see them, I knew they were there. I could feel them watching me. Sometimes I heard them. It was scary but it was also beautiful.

The world was and is alive to me. I can feel it and know that I’m a part of it in a way that I can’t with normal human beings. To them, I’ve always been a bit off, not quite right, ill at ease around them.

I grew up in the church and really went with it for a long time, even going to seminary. I did so because it was the only context I had to try to understand these things. I was taught that I was bad and wrong, that I should feel ashamed for my feelings and desires. I kept playing along for as long as I could and at 40 the wheels finally fell off for the last time.

I don’t know how or why exactly but I got the idea that the only way I was going to really survive was for me to begin practicing radical acceptance and unconditional love for myself and others. My old faith crumbled and with it my life. My magical career began.

I eventually heard Her calling me. Lilith. It took me a while to get to Her but I did and I learned that my demons weren’t just metaphorical. Some of them were literal and, far from threatening me, they had been protecting me all that time.

Eventually, I came across BALG the first time and my thought was “Who the hell is this guy?” I found others that I learned to respect and found that almost all of them worked with BALG at some point. I paid closer attention and I started to see the real man behind the man on TV.

This was a man who had to swim through a river of shit for everything he ever got. He went to some pretty dark places as a result but in the midst of those dark places, he found himself and his own light. Instead of it making him angry and bitter, it made him more loving and empathetic. Did he make mistakes? Sure as hell seemed like it. But he always owned those mistakes, publicly.

Eventually, I landed at being a LHP Luciferian Gnostic Mystic and, somehow by means that are still unclear to me, ended up kind of being THAT guy in the community. I didn’t know everybody; but I knew at least one someone who knew anybody. As I got to know some of them more closely, and got to interact with others at least once or twice outside of ‘work’, I finally felt something I had never really felt before: Acceptance. Love not in spite of who I was but because of who I was. I found my tribe.

That’s what BALG has done for me. It’s one small piece of the Empire but it’s an important one. We will rise… together. Hail BALG! Hail us!


If we start by everything is divided to 2 in the beginning (men/female) or to 4 if your culture or view of life lets you (black and white), and agree that more than many magicians are looking sexual relation/even slave/master kind of ((sexual)) orientation from demonology side, and im for one am looking people to take part of my project which relates to being in living bodies, i mean current incarnations, instead of trusting al your power to satan or excesive “seriff” of your chosen culture…

thats basically the short anserw…

When I first started in magick I had a couple of books and things were starting to look a bit brighter, but I felt I could do with some sort of mentor so I looked in Damon brands words of power and one of the sigils said find a mentor so I did just that and the next day all of a sudden on my computer there were popups from utube every 20 seconds after a while I realised that they were all from Eric but the first video I saw of him that day was a live ritual summoning Azazel and my initial reaction was " he looked like a nutter " but after about two days of Eric pop ups It suddenly dawned on me that I had actually asked for a teacher to help push me forward (I was very dim when it came to syncronicity back then )
Now With many many thanks to Eric although I am still a novice life is so much better now and that is because of Eric and also everyone on the forum that posts especially the ones that know alot more than we do and reply when we need questions answering and stops us from going crazy with doubt
So Thanks Eric there is that old saying not sure where it’s from “cometh the hour cometh the Man”
Now is the hour and you are the Man. Perfect for the age of aquarius.