How Does One Forcefully Open/Activate ALL Chakras (Not Just The 3rd Eye)?

How long did you practice? Some people are naturally more sensitive to energy than others. For example, I, personally, am very insensitive and it takes a considerable amount of time for me to stimulate my energy body enough to produce any kind of noticeable sensation. However, that doesn’t mean something isn’t happening when I practice, even if I don’t feel anything.


If you are so afraid of entities, I would reconsider your eagerness to forcefully raise Kundalini, once your Kundalini is rosen, you will probably see and come in contact with a lot of entities, a matter of fact they might come and visit you, as you basically light up as a Christmas tree in the astral, just read the book Path Notes of an American Ninja Master.


Wouldn’t Nei Gong be better?

I’m not afraid of entities, I’m afraid of making contracts with them. It’s the difference between walking past a drug dealer and buying drugs from them lol. If some entities visit me after “awakening” I can accept that consequence, but invoking/evoking an entity usually comes with some baggage where you are relinquishing a level of control, and that’s the part I don’t like.

Be careful about rushing into doing too much of going to big energy wise. I accidentally overloaded my system energy wise in the head area a few years ago.

I was slow to comprehend the cause so continued for some weeks after it started disorienting me. Then it really hit.
When I arrived at the hospital they thought I had had a stroke and were genuinely shocked when this wasn’t the case.
I was mostly incapacitated for a couple of weeks. Took months to recover fully.

I seriously suggest take your time and don’t go from pop gun to nuclear option


I’m not familiar with Nei Gong, however, this thread has some intell about Qiqong/Nei Gong.

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You talked about the loss, but what did you gain?. If you gained no “abilities” after the high level of risk I’d understand if you felt that way, but if you did then I’m sure if you could do it all again you’d make the same choice.

If the alternative was gaining nothing and remaining completely unconnected from the supernatural from the rest of your life, would you have avoided the risk? (I doubt it).

At the rate I see myself going, I will either never unlock any ability, or I will unlock it so late into my life that the effort honestly wasn’t even worth it. It would be like breaking your back working to retire at the age of 80. If you even survive you won’t have any time to enjoy your hard earned leisure.

If I’m being honest, like I already said in my original post. I don’t mind dying, I really have no attachment to the world as it is right now, I care nothing for it. For me the only thing that exists is the possibility of a world beyond this one that is hiding behind the veil, right in front of me but always out of reach. I am not exaggerating, I am tired of the world as it is now, if my options are to stay behind the veil or die, I gladly choose death.

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As long as it takes but most people I’ve spoken With only takes a week or so of imagining it everyday at least once and then they suddenly feel warmth wherever they are doing the technique or some other odd feeling where they are trying to affect.

Some people take longer and some people won’t relax and will never feel anything because they pre decided they would not, either based on a failed attempt or whatever reason they can come up with they sounds half valid. No one else would believe that is probably one of the most common excuses but does not encompass all or most of the mind issues that reside Solely in the mind of oneself.

Actually trying and opening the mind to allowing are big challenges however, because most people quite simply expect to feel nothing or that it can’t work.


I dont feel I gained anything from it. Once I had recovered sufficiently, I set to learning more and started approaching my work in this area in a measured and methodical way.
Totally up to you what you want to do, just felt I should offer my experience to help you make an informed choice

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I gained a lot in terms of opening energy channels from Bruce Gordon’s approach. I did it daily and within a few days had some significant breakthroughs. I practiced daily for a while and then dialed it back after a while.
Its actually been a wee while since I last did this, I think I’ll resume this weekend as its very useful to maintain it


U say like its so easy, how would u go about gathering that much energy in the muladhara and force the Kunda to rise? Is there such a simple method?

It’s really not that difficult visualisation, tactile imaging and some great breath work such as pranayama. If you want to really exemplify that combine some mantra, mudra and yantra work in your chakra workings, which seriously exemplify things overall.


What about invoking a entity into the Chakra till it explodes together with pranayama chanting the entities name as a mantra, Mudra, yantra work?

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This is not necessary and simultaneously would be quite dangerous besides, there are already entities within the chakras so just vibrate their mantra and the corresponding mantra to that chakra side-by-side.


There are being inside the chakras already?

look up Tantra

Yeah each of the Chakras are presided over by yoginis

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Instead of demanding that everybody presents all the information that you want. You could also take the steps to further investigate the methods that are being revealed to you.


When I started, I started with breath work. Everyone can breathe but not everyone can wait.

That said, it should not take long (weeks to months) to do breath work that increases your sensitivity to your inner energies. At that point, you will be able to connect to your eye more consistently.

The presence of entities can help this, but are ultimately better at showing you an energy that allows you to build a bridge to that energy with your own skills or with other tools like beats.

Taoists do what’s called “throat friction”. This is breathing so you make a sound like a beach wave in your throat, that sounds the same as it goes in and out of your body. The throat chakra activates spontaneously from this, and then activates other part of your body. The works of Mantak Chia can be a guide.

As you breathe, notice your breath on your throat, or alternatively, put the tongue on the roof of your mouth on the soft palate, and feel the cold air on the back of your nostrils. Continue to breath naturally, allowing sensations that come to be there. Your body acclimates over time and so you don’t have to strain. Continue to be consistent until you notice your throat’s new sensations, and possibly, energies pooling around your head. Once you feel those energies, be aware of that center in the head as you do throat friction. This builds up the connection.


@PestiferMundi I take it from your thread that you have a hard time feeling energy.

This tutorial here deals with the concept energy manipulation via visualizing said energy in order to link a feeling to it:

Its not about opening chakras, but I think that especially the first exercise can be a helpful step by step guide to get a personal feeling about how energies feel like or look like (or even sound or taste like if you’re wired that way) to you, how they differ, how they interact, how they react. This can be applied to chakra meditation in the long run, in my experience. Every segment has a different kind of quality to it that can be perceived and played around with, once you’ve made yourself familiar with it.

To me personally I always found it super helpful when I could entertain a simple visual impression like a colour or a movement before the channels to “how does it feel like inside my body and where is it located?” opened. Over time this process has turned into instinct, like the way you’re operating a vehicle: you don’t think about it anymore while doing it. Remember the first awful time you’ve operated a bike or a car? Its a bit like that to me :sweat_smile:

(for example my breathing exercise is to breathe into a visualized lemniscate instead of simply breathing in and out. following the trace of this symbol with my breathing pattern had to be visualized first before it started to flow naturally and without thinking about it)