How Does One Forcefully Open/Activate ALL Chakras (Not Just The 3rd Eye)?

I keep seeing posts about people asking about how to forcefully open their third eye but I don’t understand why they’d only want to stop there and forget about the rest.

I’m asking for specific instructions on how to do all of them starting with the lowest one (or whichever is the preferred order for that method).

Yes I already know it’s dangerous, if the worst possible outcome is death I honestly don’t mind (no I’m not just saying that, I actually mean it). If the outcome is something worse please state it and be specific so I can weigh the option (but I still want to see the guide).

I only want methods that DO NOT involve invoking/evoking any supernatural beings. It’s one thing to risk my own being, it’s another to bind myself under a contract to some unknown being.

Thank you in advance for any guidance. If something works I’ll be sure to post back about it in this thread.


Pull massive amounts of energy into the Muladhara and force the Kundalini to rise. It will then blow through your chakras and slam into your brain like a freight train. The result will be either enlightenment or brain damage.


Thank you but you are kinda leaving out a lot of important details.

I can’t even feel energy, much more know how to gather it, much more know how to gather it into a specific chakra (Muladhara). This is kind of why I asked for “instructions”.

Also, couldn’t I just blow through each chakra one at a time, start with the Muladhara, recover. Test and observe any changes to see if it actually any positive effects, and then continue the process?

You know what, maybe this is where I should start. What is your sure fire method to literally FEEL energy? I have to describe it that way because my lack of feeling anything makes me think that a lot of these authors are being figurative.

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Tactile imagining. Pretend someone is using a paint brush to brush cool wet blue paint over you… pretend someone is stabbing you with a needle, giving you a sponge bath etc- whatever it is- you can really feel it, it usually only takes two or three times imagining it as if it happened to feel it, for most people I’ve spoken with. Ask yourself what you would feel if this was happening… visual is not necessary and should be considered bonus.

A paint brush worked well for me since I’ve used one many times and I’ve felt what I feels like to have someone paint over body parts, my own fingers etc.


Robert Bruce’s technique of Tactile Imaging.

You can try, but kundalini energy has a tendency to force itself upwards and will burn its way through the chakras (this is why it is often called a serpent and behave with a mind of its own). That’s why it is traditionally advised to take it slowly.


Youtube ‘Qigong beginner playlist’ just click any of the playlists and do it daily.


I’ve already tried if before and felt nothing. How long is it supposed to take?

On another note, if someone placed a curse/seal on me so that I couldn’t feel energy or do anything occult, how would I get rid of it (without invoking/evoking any entities).

Or would doing something like the LBRP and invoking angels like Michael be the bare minimum. Because at this point I’m really starting to think that I’m either completely incapable because I’m defective in some way, or somebody has done something to me on purpose.

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You can chant the Bija mantras for each chakra, and focus on its location in your body, begin with 10 minutes per chakra.
Also, learn the work with the bandhas and vayus.


How long did you practice? Some people are naturally more sensitive to energy than others. For example, I, personally, am very insensitive and it takes a considerable amount of time for me to stimulate my energy body enough to produce any kind of noticeable sensation. However, that doesn’t mean something isn’t happening when I practice, even if I don’t feel anything.


If you are so afraid of entities, I would reconsider your eagerness to forcefully raise Kundalini, once your Kundalini is rosen, you will probably see and come in contact with a lot of entities, a matter of fact they might come and visit you, as you basically light up as a Christmas tree in the astral, just read the book Path Notes of an American Ninja Master.


Wouldn’t Nei Gong be better?

I’m not afraid of entities, I’m afraid of making contracts with them. It’s the difference between walking past a drug dealer and buying drugs from them lol. If some entities visit me after “awakening” I can accept that consequence, but invoking/evoking an entity usually comes with some baggage where you are relinquishing a level of control, and that’s the part I don’t like.

Be careful about rushing into doing too much of going to big energy wise. I accidentally overloaded my system energy wise in the head area a few years ago.

I was slow to comprehend the cause so continued for some weeks after it started disorienting me. Then it really hit.
When I arrived at the hospital they thought I had had a stroke and were genuinely shocked when this wasn’t the case.
I was mostly incapacitated for a couple of weeks. Took months to recover fully.

I seriously suggest take your time and don’t go from pop gun to nuclear option


I’m not familiar with Nei Gong, however, this thread has some intell about Qiqong/Nei Gong.

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You talked about the loss, but what did you gain?. If you gained no “abilities” after the high level of risk I’d understand if you felt that way, but if you did then I’m sure if you could do it all again you’d make the same choice.

If the alternative was gaining nothing and remaining completely unconnected from the supernatural from the rest of your life, would you have avoided the risk? (I doubt it).

At the rate I see myself going, I will either never unlock any ability, or I will unlock it so late into my life that the effort honestly wasn’t even worth it. It would be like breaking your back working to retire at the age of 80. If you even survive you won’t have any time to enjoy your hard earned leisure.

If I’m being honest, like I already said in my original post. I don’t mind dying, I really have no attachment to the world as it is right now, I care nothing for it. For me the only thing that exists is the possibility of a world beyond this one that is hiding behind the veil, right in front of me but always out of reach. I am not exaggerating, I am tired of the world as it is now, if my options are to stay behind the veil or die, I gladly choose death.

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As long as it takes but most people I’ve spoken With only takes a week or so of imagining it everyday at least once and then they suddenly feel warmth wherever they are doing the technique or some other odd feeling where they are trying to affect.

Some people take longer and some people won’t relax and will never feel anything because they pre decided they would not, either based on a failed attempt or whatever reason they can come up with they sounds half valid. No one else would believe that is probably one of the most common excuses but does not encompass all or most of the mind issues that reside Solely in the mind of oneself.

Actually trying and opening the mind to allowing are big challenges however, because most people quite simply expect to feel nothing or that it can’t work.


I dont feel I gained anything from it. Once I had recovered sufficiently, I set to learning more and started approaching my work in this area in a measured and methodical way.
Totally up to you what you want to do, just felt I should offer my experience to help you make an informed choice

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I gained a lot in terms of opening energy channels from Bruce Gordon’s approach. I did it daily and within a few days had some significant breakthroughs. I practiced daily for a while and then dialed it back after a while.
Its actually been a wee while since I last did this, I think I’ll resume this weekend as its very useful to maintain it


U say like its so easy, how would u go about gathering that much energy in the muladhara and force the Kunda to rise? Is there such a simple method?

It’s really not that difficult visualisation, tactile imaging and some great breath work such as pranayama. If you want to really exemplify that combine some mantra, mudra and yantra work in your chakra workings, which seriously exemplify things overall.