How do you exactly align yourself with a deity?

I’ve seen so many people here who have aligned themselves with certain beings but how do you exactly do that ?

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Be a bit more specific. Align is what way? Like attune their energies to an entity? Or become their friend? Or work with them?


No I mean some magicians here say they’ve aligned themselves with certain beings and BECAME them as in an aspect of them or something like that

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I don’t know maybe I’m using the wrong term but that’s what they do

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I also can’t understand those people… Imo you can’t really become that entity fully because well you are you and wanting to become someone else is like being a shadow of that god. Like the people who endure 20 operations to look like megan fox or something; being obsessed with something you just cannot reach… just my opinion though, no offense to anyone

The things I experienced is soul merging but it is like a really close hug, you connect to the highest degree but if it’s over I still am myself, nothing has changed (well except for the feelings but that’s another story)

I would be interested in hearing other stories, if you became a certain entity etc. Please do tell! :slight_smile:


You can Invoke the Deity in question, in doing so they share their essence with you and their knowledge.

Or there is full blown possession where they take complete control of you and your body.


Time will tell you that, that process will start automatically, as you become more close with that deity. Just evoke and invoke and work frequently with a specific deity/entity and the more you do that, the more you’ll align/tune with the energy of that entity and you’ll find out that the personality of that deity/entity it’s similar to yours. Your personality will morph/change depending about the people that are around you, this is why it’s important to be more selective with the people you choose to be around you. (I experienced that personally) The same thing it’s for deities/entities, you will not like to have a deity/entity that has different “frequencies” than yours, so be cautious.


Yes, but you can submit yourself in willful possession in order to speak and feel as though you are the entity themself. It’s temporarily leaving behind the ego in order to understand a power in the action of being the power. Technically the initiator is still there but thier existence is not active in a dynamic way during possession, it’s passive.


That’s kinda what I want but how should I exactly do it?

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There is this thing i know about called “Diety Yoga” wich you might or might not find interesting. Deity yoga - Wikipedia
I think you can use a lucid dream to shapeshift into the diety, maybe look up “dream yoga” too. I guess there are many ways to this… This might be one


Clear your mind.


A possession ritual is a lot like an invocation ritual but instead of calling the entity to speak through you, you invite the entity to make your body (entirely or just a part of it) the vessel. You can also use music or dance for it to be more effective like what Vodou priests do.