How do you evocation beings that don't have a sigil?

how do you evocation beings that don’t have a sigil
like, for example, deities, other spirits,saint etc…?
for example, Hecate, how do you evocation her when she doesn’t have a sigil?

Try images and symbols that is connected to the entity. Activitate or charge it and then place it on the triangle.


Simply just reach out to them in you mind or speak out loud speak thy heart what is on thy mind. sigil are just a tool, the only thing needed for evoking is your mind everything is just a tool to aid.


Hecate have sigils and have enn chant , and we can create sigil if we have name spirit , Gods , demon , other

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You can find sigils, enns, pathworkings and even entire books of Hecate


thanks I try it

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thank I find it

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I’ll look it up

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