How do you envision your higher self?

I’ve been focusing on invoking my higher self, and I have had trouble envisioning myself in my higher form.
I just recently learned to love myself…and I had lost image of what I was for along time. my mentor just told me, though, your higher self can come in many forms…and that’s a relief for me because I feel like mine comes in many forms.

I was just wondering what everyone felt or saw in their higher self.

[quote=“saturnskin, post:1, topic:9018”]I’ve been focusing on invoking my higher self, and I have had trouble envisioning myself in my higher form.
I just recently learned to love myself…and I had lost image of what I was for along time. my mentor just told me, though, your higher self can come in many forms…and that’s a relief for me because I feel like mine comes in many forms.

I was just wondering what everyone felt or saw in their higher self.[/quote]

Ehhh, while your mentor isn’t exactly wrong that’s a cop-out-level vague explanation.

People tend to mistake “higher selves” for things they aren’t, really its just your godform.

While I’m not in the business of telling the world my whereabouts or qualities, you could say I’m similar to this fellow:

[url=]Bloodborne - MOON PRESENCE INTRO - YouTube

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Mine was like me, lit from within, only with bright white hair instead of very dark brown.

I think that the Higher Self is one mask of a much larger force, and the paradigm in which I began working with mine wasn’t working for me any longer, so I did this:

Evocation Of My Personal Daemon.

This has continued to develop, my Daemon’s capable of almost-physical manifestation at times. So anyway that’s just one rather far-out example of working with this force. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Velotak, post:2, topic:9018”]Ehhh, while your mentor isn’t exactly wrong that’s a cop-out-level vague explanation.

People tend to mistake “higher selves” for things they aren’t, really its just your godform.[/quote]

You know what I felt the same way…it’s like she really wants me to open up my imagination to it but that’s a bit overwhelming to me.
I did feel it was vague and maybe that she herself hasn’t dealt a whole lot with her higher self maybe…as she works with entities more so.
I don’t want to mistake things for my higher self…but I also feel like my higher self is a bit progressive (subtle changes like eye/hair color)
But generally I get the feeling of longer hair and translucent skin with sparkles that kinda looks like distant stars.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:3, topic:9018”]I think that the Higher Self is one mask of a much larger force, and the paradigm in which I began working with mine wasn’t working for me any longer, so I did this:

Evocation Of My Personal Daemon.

This has continued to develop, my Daemon’s capable of almost-physical manifestation at times. So anyway that’s just one rather far-out example of working with this force. :)[/quote]

Lovely! I will definitely read through this and use better implementation during my next evocation. :slight_smile:

[quote=“saturnskin, post:1, topic:9018”]I’ve been focusing on invoking my higher self, and I have had trouble envisioning myself in my higher form.
I just recently learned to love myself…and I had lost image of what I was for along time. my mentor just told me, though, your higher self can come in many forms…and that’s a relief for me because I feel like mine comes in many forms.

I was just wondering what everyone felt or saw in their higher self.[/quote]
It basically, from my experience, will appear either as how you expect it to, or as you already perceive it. For example, I perceive Lucifer as a beautiful angel with blonde hair, blue eyes and Caucasian skin with white wings and a white gown, and since I not only expect that but perceive that, that’s how he appears.

As for my godform, since that what a higher self really is, shows up a few different ways. But I’m not saying how he looks. That can lead to unfortunate events I’m not willing to put up with.

Hope this helps

And if I happen to perceive it as a tyrant who wants to control my life and eventually absorb me to get stronger, then… I suppose it wouldn’t be a good idea to meet him.

Well what I am striving for is to become one with, merg with the Primordial Dragon Current ( the Draconian current). So I would think my god form would take on the form of a Dragon of some form or an other.

But hey who knows.

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Why not? If I have a part of myself I feel that about … we is gonna have a chat. I’m the Sorcerer, the Eternal Made Flesh, My Will Be Done.

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