How do You define "Black Magick"?

When you hear or use the term “Black Magick”, what does it include - and what does it exclude? This oughta be a very interesting & lively discussion!!

I’ve always viewed the term “Black Magick” as sort of a self-serve type of magick. Gaining wisdom and desires for yourself. Unlike when I think of “White Magick” as gaining wisdom & attaining things to help others (i.e. to “heal the world” - “save humanity” type of thing).

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So many different definitions!

In some ways, I see black magick as dominating and controlling, a forceful magick, versus Dark Magick which is strong and influential but not forceful.

But in looking at the Luciferian Goetia I see they have another definition of Black Magick which basically is the BALG philosophy - the basic LHP vs. RHP idea.

Mostly I define Black Magick based on intent. Magick that is baneful or turns someone into a slave or zombie for love or servitude, that is really my definition of Black Magick.

lol, you are right, this will be interesting.

Sorry rather than saying ‘magick that is baneful’, I should say, malicious curses thrown that aren’t in self-defense… you know the type.

to me, black magic is more based around self serving purposes and primal in nature. possibly a lack of restraint in doing things to manipulate people/situations to suit your desires no matter what happens to cause the results you want.

example: i used a ritual to manipulate a situation to go the way I wanted and to cause a person who was constantly working against me to begin doing things that would work to my benefit. (it worked well, but this was completely out of character for the target person i worked this ritual around) i deemed it necessary because their opposition created constant chaos. so, black vs white magic doesn’t always equate bad vs good. and that’s a great thing to keep in mind…

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Aurora9, Aledphia, Cheezus - Thanks for sounding off to the question!

My intent behind the question is this: I think its very helpful - cleansing - to ask MYSELF to answer such questions from time to time … its like cleaning out a closet, I guess. Making sure things I don’ really accept anymore (because I’ve embraced a new understanding) aren’t lurking in the back affecting My decisions in the Present …

Thought everybody might enjoy - and possibly benefit, as I do. Z

Black Magick - to my way of seeing things is the conversion of a person or thing that defiles and corrupts their true nature and that takes away without regard or respect. It is seated in all kinds of hatred and exists to destroy all as it ventures to anihilation… it is the torture torment and forceful poisoning - dismembering and perverting on every or any level for the corrupt amusement or perverse joy it momentarily sprouts forth. It is the absence of empathy love or respect… it is force asserting itself as master of all and the art of assasination without reason… snares laid by an insanity begging for euthenasia begging to be terminated… knowing it is without any true power for it serves a higher purpose outside its power… it cannot destroy itself because it purpose is to destroy… but it bucks against it meserable existence to shake the yoke of its miserable fate and the day of its death and resurection are not undet its control for all of the power it sports… it is a cruel existence kept for one purpose alone… and is sustained as an act of cruelty not of mercy.

Black magick and white magick both use evil at times to acheive a goal of some benefit… Black Magick is not pure evil… pure evil is omnipotent also it shares the wisdom of the 3gp for it is one and the same with the holiness… and the fools that seek to use darkness mock themselves if they align themselves to that power exclusively… they will perish depending on their dharma or be raised and restored…

Black Magick uses evil… but it is not the natural home of man and neither is the light… humand must be flexible and wise enough to learn the use of both… and they pay for this in tears… that is why healers are teachers because something must come from the pain

I agree with this description

For me it is power to oneself, no matter what, or what cost.

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Well said, Evangelos. Clearly and beautifully stated.

For me Black Magick is simply the path to Ascension that takes for the Self. It is listening to ones own will. Black grows by absorbing from all directions. I have at times wondered whether ‘black holes’ are perhaps entities that have become supermasters of Darkness.

White Magick is the path to Ascension that gives from the Self. It is listening to the Divine Source to know what to do. White grows by shining in all directions.

I think the terms ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are merely moral labels invented by ignorance. You can’t have black without white, like you can’t have man without woman. There would be no progress, no evolution, no fun. The duality is one of the concepts that makes this whole Universe Game so interesting.

Imagine a world in which all entities in which the Source split itself would know that they were One. That they were Light, Darkness, everything and nothing all in one timeless sea. They would simply be sitting around blissed out…and BORED SENSELESS…

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my own perception is magic is just what it is magic sometimes you have to use a defensive type of magic that some may say is a offensive type of magic and vise versa depends on the situation , if you have been wronged i dont think it really matters its all with the sender

:slight_smile: Greetings from Hungary!

The black magic is the darkness of the cosmos.

To those who hold to the paradigm that there is good and evil may practice black magick, believing they have harnessed the powers of hell and all of its wicked and evil powers while those who have realized that good and evil are a facade supported by the frightened ego exercise black magick as the truest and purest form of mastery over all the elements of the universe.

I’ve always defined black magic as anything that manipulates another person against their will. The manipulation doesn’t necessarily have to be nefarious in nature for me to consider it black magic. I’m not dualistic enough to see black magic as negative.

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Black magic isn’t really something that can be defined.

To me black magic is honest magic.
No sugar coating. No excuses to yourself about how this is not really evil (ala white magic). White magic = hypocrisy.

I need result “A”. I perform spell “A”. I get result “A”. If someone gets hurt, I know and accept this up front.

I think Crowley said, everything other than magic to worship your deity is black magic. Something like that.

[quote=“Azesiel, post:17, topic:84”]To me black magic is honest magic.
No sugar coating. No excuses to yourself about how this is not really evil (ala white magic). White magic = hypocrisy.[/quote]

After starting out all love & light, “save the world” style, I’ve come to completely feel the same way. Evil and good are meaningless, whether or not “we are all one” because the good of the infuenza virus isn’t my good, and my good isn’t that of the steak I plan to have for dinner, so morality’s always subjective and relative, and I’ve become more empowered as a person and as an occultist (or magician or whatever) each time I get more comfortable with that fact.

People - myself included - don’t truly have “free will” because we’re all affected by our society, by advertising (which is why we do workings to have money, fast cars, nice houses etc), by the era in which we’re born (sports cars, not a horse & phaeton), and even things like our definitions of the perfect partners/lust slaves are shaped by our culture, so I no longer worry about another person’s free will and taking it away because they only have a small share of it anyway.

That’s my opinion at this point in time fwiw.

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I’d say the fact that they have little is all the more reason not to take it away. It’s kinda like robbing a beggar. Those 5 dollars might not be much, but it was all s/he had to keep going.

Black Magick is the opposite of white Magick.??? Like electricity, only the ends to which it is applied colour it. Here are some differences.
They want:… We want
Welfare. …Warfare.
Prayer… Power.
The many… The few.
Death wish… Will to live.
Worriers… Warriors.
Ignorance… Intelligence.
The throng… The throne!

Right hand path Magick is very strong. Our aims and therefore our methods differ from theirs. That’s all. It’s still “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”. On occasion I still proffer professional respect and the attendant courtesies.

The American Presidential incumbent, indeed all American Presidents use Magick. These days it’s got more scientifically acceptable names, like psychology, advertising and public relations, but it’s still Magick and rhp at that. And just on The Donald, did anyone happen to study the astrological elements of his birth horoscope? Air. Water. Fire…


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