How do love spells work?

So I was dating this guy for a year. We had a really intense relationship because I was depressed and had so many argues because of it.

I wasn’t in a good mental situation and he wanted to left me 2 times, the most recent one is today.

We had so many good months because I started therapy and taking medicine, and now I just quit the pills. It is REALLY hard to quit pills, so, we had a little argue this Monday and then talked again. Everything was going OK except for the fact that he was being really distant with me. I needed his help to deal with the pills, I was begging him to be more empathic. I spent all the week with tachychardias, strong headaches FOR HOURS, and crying as consequences of the medicine.

Once I told him “I need you to have another attitude” he took it as a personal attack, he argued, and he said he does not love me anymore and he wants to break up. BUT, during all this months he was cool with me. Like, does he only love me when I’m not depressed?

This is not the first time he does this. He blocks me, and a week or two later we talk again and date. I made rituals wishing him coming back during those days I spent being alone. Also went to a witch so she could do a sweetening spell for me. It worked perfectly. All worked, because he came back again more than once.

I wanna know if these spells still work. Is he gonna come back? Or should I do another spell again? I know if he would understand how I was feeling things would have been different, but he does not wanna listen to me. The only thing I can do is wait until he unblocks me, in case he does.

So, what should I do? I know things have been so difficult because of me, but I really love him. I wish he comes back.

How do love spells work?

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Love doesn’t work like that. You can’t just turn it off and on at your leisure. If he loved you he would love you through your tough times. He probably is just feeling overwhelmed, as it seems you have a lot going on right now.

If you had work done on him, it’s possible it’s working, but he could be resisting and fighting the work resisting because he doesn’t want to deal with you and your issues. I’m not saying your issues are bad, so don’ take it that way. I’m just saying he may not be ready to deal with your mental issues and is pulling away. I understand totally how that feels and it’s soul crushing when the one you love pulls away from you because of your mental issues.

I understand totally.

If I were you, I’d give the poor guy time to miss you, give the spells time to work, allow the energy to penetrate him…just take a minute and focus on yourself, get yourself together. I’m sure you’re impatient and anxious and want your man back, so just step back, as painful as it may be, get yourself together and allow the spells you did time to work.

good luck :bouquet:


As someone who has, well for the most part, dated women who have a psychological imbalance (and I myself take behavioral medication for adhd) a relationship can fall apart immediately if its the wrong medication or if you aren’t taking it. For myself at least, I would be a total piece of self destructive shit without medication and when they gave me antidepressants Id be a sad sap of crap. Girlfriends in the past, it be if she wouldn’t take her meds for her bipolar, she would be fine at one moment and the next she’d be out for blood or suicidal and blaming me for everything.
First and foremost instead of dropping medication, any kind, please consult it with your doctor. The wrong medication can make life worse, if the antidepressants aren’t working you need to talk to your doctor, not saying anything about you as a person or your mental state, but understanding mental health is just as critical as taking care of your physical health.

As for magick dealing with sex or love, its a difficult one. As @QueenMustang said take care of yourself, really focus on your own well being, and i really hope you do :slight_smile: the best way to work a love spell or ritual is to focus more so on self love. The better you love yourself, the better you’re feeling, the better you are doing the more he may see a reason to contact you again. Its all you can do, the more you obsess with the work the less it works, trust in it and keep moving forward.


also wanted to add Urgent Warning About “The Law Of Attraction” :warning: it might help you in your endeavors :thinking:

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Should work on your depression before trying to be in a good relationship , relationships are just mirrors and receiving your own projections back


@QueenMustang yeah the last two times worked like that. He blocked me, I couldn’t talk with him, I made the spells, I waited and he came back to talk. Not in a romantic way but then slowly we went to that direction. He came like “I have your stuff here, let’s talk about how I’m gonna give them to you”. I suffered so much during those days but I could understand why he wanted to break up, my mental issues weren’t okay and then I was cool for MONTHS, he said nothing about breaking up, but once I had some problems I think he was afraid and broke up with me yesterday. I’m.again blocked everywhere.

That’s why I am wondering if I should do another spell or if the other ones still work for this situation.

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@aBetterHuman yeah, at first they gave me a wrong medication, so I had a panic attack because of them and he wanted to break up but then he understood me. He said he was sorry and that he loves me. So then they gave me a new medication, 3 pills per say. It is a very strong medication and I had no therapy because covid-19 fucked up almost everything. So I have been months with it, they changed the med for a lighter one but it was still very strong. Then I was taking it one day yes, one day not. And now I am again on therapy and stopped taking pills.

Stop taking pills is really hard, and it was the moment I needed him.most. I needed him to tell me I was going good and everything would be ok. But he was distant because of a little discussion we had 5 days before. So I told him to be more empathic with me because I was crying for hours for tachycardia and headaches. He took it as a personal attack, he argued me and he broke up.

I know I need to focus on my mental issues but this was the worst moment to disappear. And in my heart I know he knows it, but he is one of those type of person who stays distant for days because of an argue.

I’m worried because he says he is gonna move on, and I really think he has been unfair with me. I didn’t wanted to attack him, I only wanted to explain how I was feeling. But he suffered so much because of my mental issues, even when those things happened months ago. He may think I will be the same again or something.

So I don’t know if I should do a sweetening spell or what, and wait. Or just wait. The other times I made sweetening spells worked perfectly. He was stalking me and finally unblocked me to talk with me, and be together again.

I don’t know what to do. I love him so much and I think he wasn’t thinking correctly about how to act during this time of trying to quit pills.

Hi, I feel you, covid 19 is eating me up inside as well, I used to be in the similar situation where my best friend knows things about me and block, unblock me etc, and she leave me in the end of the day, and I am trying to move on as well tbh, give you virtual hugs.

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@Faith_4coololl thank you so much. We cannot hang up, we cannot be free, and this is the worst thing for a depression.

Virtual hugs to you too.

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So this is the emotion that you want him to have, and one you need to negate feeling. one of the ways ive seen love spells work is when the other is out there doing good for themselves and the other person starts to think about what they’re missing.
The more you do for yourself the more attracted he’ll be towards your energy/vibration/etc. If it suits you, you can use a postive affirmation or mantra that would help to reinstate the idea of self love above all others or one of desire and follow through with action. Example, say to yourself “I am sexy as fuck and (bf name) is coming back to me” or “(bf name) desires my attention” these being said in the present tense, and back these up by treating yourself
Work out, get a new haircut, new clothes, take a trip, be seen not just by him but by everybody as the sexy mother fucker you are :sunglasses: Post about it on social media, be positive and happy about it. Show the world how you’re moving forward no matter whats being thrown at you, that you’re taking time to enjoy yourself, to create, explore, etc. Trust me wait before doing more, and focus on all the things that are going to improve you first!

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@aBetterHuman that’s right. Once I did spells I started doing new things on my body. I got a new tattoo, a new haircut etc. What I know for sure is that he is deeply attracted sexually with me. He always told me that.

When we lost contact and then he came back, we started talking so he confessed he is not attracted to any other woman because he only was able to think about me, to the point, he wasn’t even masturbating haha.

I really wish that will work this time again. He is not one of those boys who are searching for random sex and I always felt secure with it. I don’t know if I should do another spell or if the old ones still work for this situation?

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