How do I get servant spirits?

So I’m stuck between manifesting physical results and ascent. I decided I wanna keep ascending but I want to get some results, so spirits it is.

I am not going to become over-reliant on them, I’m not going to treat them like trash or slaves (obviously) but I know there are spirits who are more than okay with that. Do I just ask for a familiar or something?


You can ask spirits to get servant spirits.
Bardon mentions some elemental spirits and angels which give servant spirits for certain purposes. I wanna evoke Aphtiph, an old friend, who does but not for that but for his teachings.

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make a servitor

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Too weak and unadaptable.


For some reason, I just got one, and they’re named Apophis, for some reason. Fafnir named them.

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requires a glass of water a night

Most cases you won’t get servant spirits unless you make servitors. No spirit is going to choose to be your servant unless you give them a good reason to be. Otherwise best you can get is servitors or ask certain deities, etc if they can give you familiars, in which case they can come and go when they please and still ultimately answer to their own will or the will of the one that gave them to you.

I find a lot of occultist approach this concept of “getting servants” as some kind of game, not everyone will get servants on their road to “godhood” or “demonhood” or “angelhood” whatever. The demons of the infernal and their legions are under that demon but they still answer ultimately to the head honcho of the infernal. If someone wants to have legit 100% servants who actually choose to follow them their only two options is winning over the loyalty of entities or servitors at best.


Makes sense. Thank you!

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Do servitors tend to die fast?

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No, they last however long you program them to last. However, usually you are suppose to give them a means to feed, but you can also create a pseudo core for them that absorbs and distributes energy throughout their body and circulate it.


I think that might be cool.

Also, I have like 8 spirits in my house rn nt including the ones I’ve invoked.

Long story short, I have dragons, and I honestly dunno what to do now.

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