How do I activate my psychic powers?

No, there is no audiobook.

UGHH … I hate my life right now. I literally have no money.

Use the search function, you can find exercises and such here, for free.


Go to and order Robert Bruce’s FREE energy primer video course. You have to go through the motions of paying (like entering your name, etc, in order to create an account) but it is actually free. It will give you the basics of his technique of tactile imaging.


It says its $9.99 …

it says “get free audio” on the right when you click the link lol.


It says “get free advice”. I clicked the link and it brought me to a page that says “just pay $9.99”.

I think we have done everything we can here.


Oh I see! My apologies. I’m in.

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And…you might have to buy a few books.
Cut and paste the terms these members have given you into the search bar on Amazon.
Pretty common these days

I’m wondering the same thing.

Learn about Kundalini.

Psychic powers (Siddhis) come as a result of activating and raising your Kundalini. Each energy centre is responsible for a different Siddhi. Keeping the head of the snake lodged in a particular centre will develop the particular siddhi governed by the energy centre in question.

You can’t avoid buying and reading books as well as doing meditation and energy work. An investment of time, energy and money is the only way to get results, as with everything in life. You can’t expect to get good at tennis, without making a similar investment, it is just the same with magick and energy work.


heyheyhey , black mirror help, candle gazin, practicing evocation works, creating a astral temple also helps,hamala seeds also help and performing Rites
love and light all the way from south africa


Yes! I know for a fact candle gazing helps , especially for clairvoyance and clairsentience. I don’t know how to astral project or astral travel , at least not intentionally. The black mirror I suppose is for clairvoyance and scrying. Correct?

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I never said I didn’t want to buy anything. i said I don’t have the resources to do so at the moment. I of course do want and plan on buying books though.

you dont need to know how to astral project to create a astral temple, youtube it
just type in astral temple

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How can I enter my astral temple if I don’t know how to astral travel?

Astral temples are made in the imagination first and foremost, i.e your own mentalscape.


thank you
