How do feel when soul traveling

I wanted to make a point with you about my experience with soul travel since few months.
My sensation are getting quite better with going out of my body.
I have the sensation if having a body “of breath and vibrations” and to feel that vibrations into an environment that appears around me when looking at it "with the expectation of seeing it.
Another interesting thing is my ability to feel the texture of element around me, as well as their weight. I use my hability to draw lifeforce to simply put an hand on it, and feel the element, take an anchor on his lifeforce, his consitance, and then look around, notice the other elements, feel how it looks from here.

Point I’m trying to improve ,I have often a feeling of bilocation. Being out of my body, touching things, but able to feel some physical sensation of my body. Sometimes I have the sensation of projecting an avatar or a shadow and driving it from my brain. Does anybody know that ?
If yes, if you could give my a mindtrick to bypass that stage, it could be a great help.

Thanks for your assistance !

That’s it man. Have U ever try to leave that shadow or avatar behind, and try to project out another being from you?

Ahh if you can do these, man…i congratulate ya. Those will be your soldiers. Whatever you say they will obey, but to the limit of their power. They will hear you on bended knees.

The only one who can’t do that is when you try to soul travel and it’s your higher self that came out lol though you can send him on errands too.

Try it, please.