How did you even find this place?

First post I ever read was Eva talking about Cohzier in this thread:

June 2017 in the evening right before I took my motorcycle for a spin the first time. I was looking up occult methods to distance myself from the mormon god’s influence and that post had just the right keywords to pop up from my search query. I called on him and asked for his protection right then and he’s popped up here and there ever since.

After that I lurked for months and finally decided to make an account when I couldn’t find what I needed through the search function.

Sooooo much more enlightening stuff to go through back then… Spend some time looking through the older posts, it’ll blow your mind how cool the culture was here.

(This thread is money if it gets a bunch more replies and business balg didn’t know what’s driving lead gen, though it’s not hard to guess most comes from youtube)