How did the demonic powers and specific domains originated?

Hello there. I am not sure if this question has been asked before, and if so, my apologies. You know that there is a demon hierarchy and each demon has specific powers and domains. I wonder how all of that categorization originated. Did each demon work on their own ascent and learned specific things in order to have domain over them? Was each demon given that rank and knowledge by say, Satan? Did each demon choose to work on areas that they like, and why?


I think that they earned their ranks and chose their areas of speciality based on their strengths and interests.


Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
I wonder if there’s a grimoire where this is explained. The only account I know is about King Paimon, who wants to be called King Paimon and not just “Paimon” due to he worked hard to achieve his status.


I think that EA as a video about Demon. Hierarchy on his YouTube Channel.


Yes, I’ve seen it, great video! I don’t remember him saying how each demon got their rank though :thinking:


Actually I don’t believe there is a demonic hierarchy. Azazel says so in the Book of Azazel, and Timothy theorizes the same in his black magick book.

Specifically Azazel said this: “The Infernal Hierarchy is as follows: The Operator; and everything else in existence.”


who’s the operator? the magician?

Yes precisely.

In my opinion, the hierarchy was created by humans. That is why there are different spirits given as the one that rules over the rest.

It’s human nature to create hierarchies. All human societies do it, and we do it with the gods and goddesses we worship. The classic grimoires were all written by humans, most likely adhering to the religious dogma of the times, so the established hierarchies are all based on that, with Satan and/or Lucifer at the top, though Lucifuge is sometimes put at the top as well.


so, what about King Paimon?

What about him?

if you are referring to his title, there is nothing that says he couldn’t have given it to himself. Humans call themselves all sorts of different things. Powerful spirits also usually have legions of lesser spirits under them, so the title could have been given by these other spirits as well. King Paimon has stated that he is proud of his title because he earned it, so the latter is the most likely, in my opinion.