So I’ll start with my own story, I was doing my nightly ritual with candles and a incent lit I did my lesser banishing then moved into a invocation ritual to help with a mediation and to give thanks. I usually do a invocation hym to basically praise amaymon and Lucifer and now Noctulius, then a personal invocation with my incent as an offering to the spirits. Then I mediate.
All went well and I could feel the energies flowing and the mediation went well, but I like to do this thing where I snap my fingers at the candles to kind of feel the energy and hopefully one day kind of guide the flame to die out.
Personally I never really have much luck. I personally think it’s just a tik tok thing but I get a kick out of it, I try to let the flames die out with a snap of the fingers but of course I do it near the flame in hopes the air pushed will put out the flame, but then I usually resort to waving the hand to put it out. But as the flame went out you could still see a slight amount of light from the ember as the candle slowly died out from the flame being put out.
But I moved my hand away from it and could see the slight amount of light from the candle in the dark room, light a bit of the wall behind the candle. But suddenly the candle became brighter for a moment as if it were to catch fire again for a quick moment and it produced a stronger light which casted a shadow on the wall but on the wall was another shadow that wasn’t quite mine, I only saw it for a moment. But it looked like a bony hand which you could see all the joints on it and it looked like it had a wispy like cloth around it, almost like what you imagine the raggy robe sleeve of the grim reaper would look like.
It’s hand had the index finger reached out towards the candle yarn that burns, it was within that moment the candle brightened up as if to be lit again, I saw the shadow of the hand. Then the light died down as it finally went out. But during the quick flash of light I could see the shadow of the hand reached out. I immediately felt honored to have seen it and felt graced. I had a feeling it was Noctulius, cause there are those who say Noctulius has a strong affinity with pyromancy, and also a lot of my ritual mediations do center around Noctulius, among a few other deities.
Anyways I felt like sharing my story in hopes of hearing your stories about your experiences with spirits or demons and or deities during your rituals or just general experiences out and about. Thanks for hearing me out